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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Sortilèges Perpignan X-Wing Store Championship

1.Maxime aka "madmax34"FMontpellierGalactic Empire
2.Benoit aka "Ben-ito"FSt Laurent de CerdansRebel Alliance
3.Maxime aka "Erelone"FMontpellierScum and Villainy
4.Gilles aka "Taraz-Boulba"FMurviel Lès MontpellierScum and Villainy
5.Kevin aka "Attila-"FSt julien les rosiersScum and Villainy
6.Jérémie aka "PeterMacAloe"FBoyneRebel Alliance
7.Thibaut aka "Tyy"FMontpellierRebel Alliance
8.Philippe C.FCanet En RoussillonGalactic Empire
9.Armand aka "Kantor81"FCastresGalactic Empire
10.Pierre aka "Torke66"FSt Laurent de la SalanqueRebel Alliance
11.Rémi aka "Kakad"FViasRebel Alliance
12.Benjamin aka "griffablanc"FMillauScum and Villainy
13.Georges aka "gildauth"FCanohèsGalactic Empire
14.Jérémy aka "Arget"FMillauRebel Alliance
15.Arnaud aka "Armada"FSt-Hilaire-De-BrethmasRebel Alliance
16.Julien aka "Corellia"FSt Génis Des FontainesRebel Alliance
17.Romain aka "grozrikgaraz"FPerpignanRebel Alliance
18.Philippe aka "PETITLAPINROSE"FPerpignanScum and Villainy
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