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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 1. Ost-Deutsche-Meisterschaft / 1. East-German-Master

1.rot beste farbe
Tore aka "Langbart"DCuxhavenDogs of War
Friedemann aka "dirty_player"DBerlinDogs of War
Thomas aka "Scrub"DMarburgDogs of War
(anonym)Dogs of War
Erik aka "Lupo"DDresdenDogs of War
Thomas aka "Zwergnase"DLeipzigDogs of War
Ruben aka "Da_Gobbo"DBerlinDogs of War
Micha aka "Smurf-Account"DBerlinDogs of War
Kevin aka "Dr_Akula"DBerlinDogs of War
Vincent aka "Dr_Ehtuer"DTübingenDogs of War
Max aka "Echse13"DMagdeburgDogs of War
Norman aka "Dr_Eist"DBerlinDogs of War
5.Team Warhammer-Board
Pierre aka "Eloriel"DHolzheimDogs of War
Constantin aka "PrinzKaos"DBad EndbachDogs of War
Christian aka "Starspieler"DMarburgDogs of War
6.Cheeky Squigs
Alexander aka "Tingel"DMagdeburgDogs of War
Michael aka "Solar"DTaucha / NürnbergDogs of War
Tino aka "BlueLightUp"DLeipzigDogs of War
7.Your Mom's Favorite Team
Nils aka "Tod_durch_Konga_Konga"DBielefeldDogs of War
Peter aka "Borgio"DRheinbergDogs of War
Paul aka "FirePaul"DLeipzig/BerlinDogs of War
8.Frog the Jam
Walter aka "PasstSchon"DTeuchernDogs of War
(anonym)Dogs of War
(anonym)Dogs of War
Marcel aka "Micky"DDoberschützDogs of War
9.Wyssans Biergestalt
Heiner aka "Moerchenmen"DAltenstädtDogs of War
Marc aka "TheMangler"DKielDogs of War
Jan aka "Ja-Ba"DKielDogs of War
10.Heinrichs Erben
Florian aka "Knoeffelknabe"DBraunschweigDogs of War
Peter aka "ZAR"DBraunschweigDogs of War
Tim aka "Fireborn"DBraunschweigDogs of War
Karsten aka "Trollslayer"DHannoverDogs of War
Christian aka "Durin_Eisenfuss"DMünchenDogs of War
Henning aka "Plaquebearer"DWunstorfDogs of War
12.Hauptstadtlegionäre 2
Tonino aka "Tonik"DBerlinDogs of War
Oliver aka "Exalted_Champion"DBerlinDogs of War
Christian aka "GoleM"DBerlinDogs of War
13.Hauptstadt Legionäre
Gregor aka "Grossmeister"DBerlin/LeipzigDogs of War
René aka "Buliwyf"DBerlinDogs of War
Tomek aka "Oakenshield"PLBerlin / Zielona GóraDogs of War
14.Chemnitz Chaoten Crew
Heinlein aka "der_zwerg"DChemnitzDogs of War
Falk aka "Der_Tote"DEppendorfDogs of War
Tobias V.DBerlinDogs of War
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