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ETR - Tournament Results - 7. Frankfurt Cup

1.Heiko aka "Daemonic"DKarlsruheWarriors of the Dark Gods
2.Marc aka "Caledoriv"DKaiserslauternVampire Covenant
3.Dominik aka "Todesbrot"DMonheimThe Vermin Swarm
4.Hendrik aka "2-Green-2-Stop-Killing"DFrankfurt am MainOrcs and Goblins
5.Moritz aka "Rock-n-Roll"DMannheimThe Vermin Swarm
6.Simon aka "dr-pepper86"DKölnOrcs and Goblins
7.Marc aka "SirCanalot"DWeinheimKingdom of Equitaine
8.Christian aka "Starspieler"DFrankfurt am MainEmpire of Sonnstahl
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