ETR - Tournament Results - LES JOUTES ROYALES : 1ère édition
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | les Ragix |
| Tanguy aka "Slendy" | Clamart | Legions of Nagash |
| Benoit aka "Burning-Map" | Paris | Daughters of Khaine |
2. | MGWA |
| Jeremie aka "fLnJ" | Eaubonne | Seraphon |
| Michael aka "Jonshannow" | Eaubonne | Daughters of Khaine |
3. | boulbizarre |
| Seb aka "Koubiak" | Paris | Daughters of Khaine |
| Cédric aka "KnackiBall" | Meudon | Warherds |
4. | Esprit Lubrique |
| Guillaume aka "Sarhantai" | Villejuif | Grand Alliance Destruction |
| Philippe aka "sam" | VERSAILLES | Daughters of Khaine |
5. | BBT |
| Alexandre aka "Alhyths" | Taverny | Maggotkin of Nurgle |
| Remy aka "Lirand" | Dieppe | Daughters of Khaine |
6. | Haches sanglantes |
| Joris aka "Balrogue" | Colombes | Ironjawz |
| Jérôme aka "ColonelJay" | Briis sous Forges | Brayherds |
7. | Free Grotz of Middenheim |
| Koen aka "LeBaron" | Paris | Gitmob Grots |
| Amaury aka "Bigmaury" | Paris | Cities of Sigmar |
8. | KLAQ |
| Alexis L. | Saint-Malo | Clans Skyre |
| Cornélius B. | Saint-Brieuc | Seraphon |
9. | Fédération des Wagons Sodomites |
| Thierry aka "Arkesis" | Saint Pathus | Disciples of Tzeentch |
| Antoine aka "Pizza-de-Tzeentch" | Maison Alfort | Sylvaneth |
10. | Boulbizarre 4 |
| Arnaud aka "Spenson" | Puteaux | The Legion of Azgorh |
| Maxime aka "Maximusxxl" | Issy-Les-Moulineaux | Daughters of Khaine |
11. | boulbizarre 2 |
| Florian aka "serga" | Villejuif | Ironjawz |
| Nicolas aka "Firndin" | Ivry Sur Seine | Maggotkin of Nurgle |
12. | Les barbouzes |
| Luce aka "Arlus" | Paris | Nighthaunt |
| Robert aka "gorgobob" | Paris | Ogor Mawtribes |
13. | 1m60 les bras levés |
| Simon aka "lazyfimfim" | Saint Ouen | Beasts of Chaos |
| Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans" | Draveil | Seraphon |