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ETR - Tournament Results - LES JOUTES ROYALES : 1ère édition

1.les Ragix
Tanguy aka "Slendy"FClamartLegions of Nagash
Benoit aka "Burning-Map"FParisDaughters of Khaine
Jeremie aka "fLnJ"FEaubonneSeraphon
Michael aka "Jonshannow"FEaubonneDaughters of Khaine
Seb aka "Koubiak"FParisDaughters of Khaine
Cédric aka "KnackiBall"FMeudonWarherds
4.Esprit Lubrique
Guillaume aka "Sarhantai"FVillejuifGrand Alliance Destruction
Philippe aka "sam"FVERSAILLESDaughters of Khaine
Alexandre aka "Alhyths"FTavernyMaggotkin of Nurgle
Remy aka "Lirand"FDieppeDaughters of Khaine
6.Haches sanglantes
Joris aka "Balrogue"FColombesIronjawz
Jérôme aka "ColonelJay"FBriis sous ForgesBrayherds
7.Free Grotz of Middenheim
Koen aka "LeBaron"FParisGitmob Grots
Amaury aka "Bigmaury"FParisCities of Sigmar
Alexis L.FSaint-MaloClans Skyre
Cornélius B.FSaint-BrieucSeraphon
9.Fédération des Wagons Sodomites
Thierry aka "Arkesis"FSaint PathusDisciples of Tzeentch
Antoine aka "Pizza-de-Tzeentch"FMaison AlfortSylvaneth
10.Boulbizarre 4
Arnaud aka "Spenson"FPuteauxThe Legion of Azgorh
Maxime aka "Maximusxxl"FIssy-Les-MoulineauxDaughters of Khaine
11.boulbizarre 2
Florian aka "serga"FVillejuifIronjawz
Nicolas aka "Firndin"FIvry Sur SeineMaggotkin of Nurgle
12.Les barbouzes
Luce aka "Arlus"FParisNighthaunt
Robert aka "gorgobob"FParisOgor Mawtribes
13.1m60 les bras levés
Simon aka "lazyfimfim"FSaint OuenBeasts of Chaos
Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans"FDraveilSeraphon
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