ETR - Tournament Results - Zweites World of Creatures X-Wing Turnier
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Ralf aka "Ecthelion_1" | Oyten | Rebel Alliance |
2. | Marco aka "Pirat187" | Salzgitter | Scum and Villainy |
3. | Bastian aka "DekoRator" | Hannover | Galactic Empire |
4. | Johannes aka "YodaseineMudda" | Soltau | Galactic Empire |
5. | Anton aka "Fassroller" | Soltau | Galactic Empire |
6. | (anonym) | | Galactic Empire |
7. | Denis aka "Gukki" | Salzgitter | Rebel Alliance |
8. | Mark aka "MaZi" | Hannover | Scum and Villainy |
9. | Sebastian aka "seb-80" | Salzgitter | Scum and Villainy |
10. | Johannes aka "Tueddelig" | Hannover | Scum and Villainy |
11. | Heiko aka "thanf" | Soltau | Galactic Empire |
12. | Dominik aka "Silence" | Wunstorf OT Luthe | Galactic Empire |
13. | Michael aka "Freed" | Ottenstein | Rebel Alliance |
14. | (anonym) | | Rebel Alliance |
15. | Jens aka "LegionVI" | Schwarmstedt | Rebel Alliance |
16. | Stefan aka "Sophetdrahas" | Celle | Galactic Empire |
17. | Garry aka "Dirox" | Celle | Galactic Empire |
18. | Markus aka "Groti" | Celle | Scum and Villainy |