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ETR - Tournament Results - SteamClash Aout 2014 "Escalation"

1.Joachim aka "keya"BWavreProtectorate of Menoth
2.Peter aka "PeterStone"BNamurMercenaries
3.Christophe aka "Xobal"BLasne-Chapelle-Saint-LambertCygnar
4.Flo aka "Pingouin"BWavreConvergence of Cyriss
5.Michael aka "driks"BBruxellesCygnar
6.Dorian aka "Sidious"BWavreKhador
7.Cedric aka "ced"BBruxellesProtectorate of Menoth
8.Pierre aka "WolfPainting_Studio"BPreslesThe Circle Orboros
9.Gauthier aka "GTX"BEguezéeProtectorate of Menoth
10.Guibert aka "Light"BNamurMercenaries
11.Lio aka "Celio"BNamurCryx
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