ETR - Tournament Results - SteamClash Aout 2014 "Escalation"
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Joachim aka "keya" | Wavre | Protectorate of Menoth |
2. | Peter aka "PeterStone" | Namur | Mercenaries |
3. | Christophe aka "Xobal" | Lasne-Chapelle-Saint-Lambert | Cygnar |
4. | Flo aka "Pingouin" | Wavre | Convergence of Cyriss |
5. | Michael aka "driks" | Bruxelles | Cygnar |
6. | Dorian aka "Sidious" | Wavre | Khador |
7. | Cedric aka "ced" | Bruxelles | Protectorate of Menoth |
8. | Pierre aka "WolfPainting_Studio" | Presles | The Circle Orboros |
9. | Gauthier aka "GTX" | Eguezée | Protectorate of Menoth |
10. | Guibert aka "Light" | Namur | Mercenaries |
11. | Lio aka "Celio" | Namur | Cryx |