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ETR - Tournament Results - the war factory kaleidoscope 2013

1.Florian aka "Trippe"FMontfavetBretonnia
2.Benjamin aka "Brutal"FNantesChaos Warriors
3.Tanguy aka "seth29"FLanderneauChaos Warriors
4.Charles aka "Carlos_70"FnantesDark Elves
5.Mathieu aka "Agravain"FPlougastelBretonnia
6.Mathieu aka "wbzhmathieu"FLa MartyreDaemons of Chaos
7.Steve aka "harrycoco"Fplogastel saint germainLizardmen
8.Marc aka "Dromar"FQuimperChaos Dwarfs
9.Fabien aka "fablc"FpenmarchTomb Kings
10.Clément aka "Grennan"FLanderneauVampire Counts
11.Brieuc aka "maemon"FLanderneauChaos Warriors
12.Camille aka "Camelotte29"FLanderneauOrcs & Goblins
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