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ETR - Club Details

Start of the data acquisition:
Last update: 2024-12-18 05:30
There is more info here.

Name:Ordo Cubus Bernensis
Origin:CH3008 Bern
Description: Verein
Unsere Mission ist es Gleichgesinnte aus dem Tabletop-Hobby zusammenzubringen und den Spass am Spiel zu fördern.
Website: http://ocbernensis.forumprofi.de/index.php
To the T³-club page...

Gamesystem:Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Counting Members:7
Placement:384. in the club ranking
Average points:0.00
Total points:0.01

Placements of members
ConquerorPlace 2340 - 0.01 Points
Der_MoscherPlace 2645 - 0.00 Points
XarinorPlace 3680 - 0.00 Points
TwinsryuPlace 4365 - 0.00 Points
petz72Place 11739 - 0.00 Points

Other clubplacements
140. Place in the W40K-club ranking of Europe
61. Place in the WM-club ranking of Europe
147. Place in the WAoS-club ranking of Europe
14. Place in the GB-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the WUS-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of DGermany
135. Place in the W40K-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WM-club ranking of DGermany
9. Place in the GB-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WUS-club ranking of DGermany
8. Place in the W40K-club ranking of AAustria
18. Place in the WAoS-club ranking of AAustria
19. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
6. Place in the W40K-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
1. Place in the WM-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
11. Place in the WAoS-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
1. Place in the GB-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
0. Place in the WUS-club ranking of CHSwitzerland
58. Place in the W40K-club ranking of FFrance

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