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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 882 - Mathieu aka "Asuran87" from FSaint Vaury

Mathieu made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
8NTBN - TeamF50180 St GillesOrks2022-06-12406131.64%+0%12.1224%2.91
2Tueurs d'orks is back! - TeamF24000 PérigueuxNecrons2022-10-16163731.64%+0%9.7622%2.15
4Tournois du Temple 40K - 12/03/2022F63000 Clermont-FerrandNecrons2022-03-1271623.73%+0%1.9020%0.38
7Retour vers le futur 2015 [La Bannière de l'ombre - 49]F49300 CholetDark Angels2015-11-2242630.32%+0%0.1718%0.03
9Retour vers le futur 2014 [La Bannière de l'ombre - 49]F49300 CholetTyranids2014-11-2322450.13%+0%0.0416%0.01
More tournaments:
22 ème rencontre stratégiqueF87400 Saint LéonardTyranids2014-07-2614340.1%+0%0.03--
23 ème tournoi du Téléthon - TeamF87570 Rhilac RanconChaos Daemons2014-11-3012300.13%+0%0.03--
25INTER REGION WARHAMMER 40.000 (IR40K) - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxTyranids2016-07-24156850.42%+0%0.02--
24Inter-Régions 40k - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxEldar2015-07-26156850.24%+0%0.02--
5Les survivants de La G.U.I.L.D - TeamF33170 GradignanChaos Daemons2013-01-2736580.04%+0%0.02--
6G.U.I.L.D not dead - TeamF33170 GradignanEldar2013-09-2233570.06%+0%0.02--
640K MLF 3éme édition - TeamF87570 Rilhac RaconEldar2012-11-2532550.03%+0%0.01--
21L'Union fait la Force VIIF45140 OrmesTyranids2012-04-2960720.02%+0%0.01--
5Space CowF87000 Rilhac RaconTyranids2013-04-2814340.04%+0%0.01--
35Les Rixes Joyeuses 40K 2012F03000 MoulinsEldar2012-09-2350670.03%+0%0.01--
6Tournoi des prétoriensF72220 EcommoyTyranids2011-06-2628530.01%+0%0.01--
10Patrouille à CHENUF72500 ChenuEldar2011-09-0430530.01%+0%0.00--
8CHOISIS TON CAMP III (et viens te la re-remettre dans la lande)F41190 Landes Le GauloisChaos Space Marines2011-02-2024480.01%+0%0.00--
20Grimmoir du Warrior IIF41190 Landes Le GauloisEldar2010-11-2129530.01%+0%0.00--
3Campagne de Vindunum - TeamF72000 CoulainesEldar2010-07-1110250.01%+0%0.00--
15Le grimoire du warriorF41000 Landes Le GauloisEldar2009-10-0425490%+0%0.00--
23Tournoi 40K des MLFF87570 Rilhac RanconEldar2011-04-1024480.01%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 37. Place in the KoW-ranking of FFrance
* 59. Place in the EDEN-ranking of FFrance
* 493. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 1395. Place in the XWING-ranking of FFrance
* 45. Place in the KoW-ranking of Europe
* 65. Place in the EDEN-ranking of Europe
* 1219. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 2881. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
* 3761. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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