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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age 2nd Edition

1.Team Belgium 2
Nico aka "PrinceCharming"BLeopoldsburgSaurian Ancients
Guy aka "IHDarklord"BRoeselareUndying Dynasties
Merlijn aka "Merlijn"BbeverenSylvan Elves
Pascal aka "SmithF"BBruxellesDwarven Holds
Thomas aka "Artur"BHammeHighborn Elves
2.Quel Team Là Bomber Team
Lorenzo aka "Unzul"IMornagoInfernal Dwarves
Francesco aka "babbonatale"IMilanoDwarven Holds
Cristian aka "Kabbaydestroyer"IMilanDread Elves
Alberto aka "ilBae"FNiceSaurian Ancients
Quel Team Là aka "QTL"ILodiVampire Covenant
Renato aka "Kermit"PParisUndying Dynasties
Thibault aka "Ankor"FParisDaemon Legions
Enguerran aka "pioupiou"FIvry Sur SeineOgre Khans
Josselin aka "baooss"FBourg-La-ReineOrcs and Goblins
Jérémy aka "Xarys"FBougivalVampire Covenant
4.les vieux sages
Yann aka "Bat_cat"FYutzBeast Herds
Olivier aka "Nico57"FChatel St GermainDaemon Legions
Xavier aka "Goupil"FThionvilleVampire Covenant
Steven aka "Ezekiel57"FNancyUndying Dynasties
Vert aka "XxX"FParisDaemon Legions
Yannic aka "Kumbum"DAachenEmpire of Sonnstahl
Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer"DMannheimKingdom of Equitaine
Peter aka "DucDeGuerre"DDürenThe Vermin Swarm
Frederick aka "Frederick"DHiddenhausenBeast Herds
Marc aka "Sorrente"FBordeauxEmpire of Sonnstahl
6.Les Rieurs Sangliers (tde)
François aka "Valmir"BAthThe Vermin Swarm
Loick aka "logik"BBruxellesBeast Herds
Cédric aka "Moussse"BEcaussinnes-d'EnghienBeast Herds
Edouard aka "Wraysford"BBruxellesVampire Covenant
Camille aka "Sire_Trencavel"BBruxellesEmpire of Sonnstahl
Lorenzo aka "Skarloc"BBruxellesSylvan Elves
Thomas aka "TheLegend27"CHJouxtensUndying Dynasties
Filip aka "Pulps"CHMinusioSylvan Elves
Victor aka "sevic"CHCorcellesVampire Covenant
Paul aka "polux"CHMontmollinDwarven Holds
8.This is Sparta
Daniel aka "Scarloc90"DKölnInfernal Dwarves
Jan aka "GabbaGandalf"DKölnVampire Covenant
Michael aka "morte"DSkypehausenDaemon Legions
Marc aka "Pofalischt"DKölnOgre Khans
Dominik aka "Todesbrot"DMonheimDwarven Holds
9.Chti White balls
Alex aka "Hayaze"FArrasVampire Covenant
Loic aka "kalren"FMARCQ EN BAROEULKingdom of Equitaine
Gregory aka "grenord"FCobrieuxHighborn Elves
Mathieu aka "Zur"FWattigniesWarriors of the Dark Gods
Eddy aka "Saga78"FWavrechain-Sous-DenainSaurian Ancients
10.Fantastique Bataillon de Joinville
Thomas aka "Lake"FMontrougeDread Elves
Roberto aka "meta"FrobervilleUndying Dynasties
Fabrice aka "Babnik"FJoinville le PontKingdom of Equitaine
Johan aka "Cynosarge"FParisUndying Dynasties
Antoine aka "O_magnifico"FEragny Sur OiseSaurian Ancients
11.Betreutes Würfeln
Christian aka "Beardling"DAachenDwarven Holds
(anonym)Undying Dynasties
Stefan aka "Lefy"DAachenWarriors of the Dark Gods
(anonym)Orcs and Goblins
Marco aka "Ruebezahl"DAachenInfernal Dwarves
11.Henri's Chosen
Hoang aka "Peax"FNeuilly Sur MarneSylvan Elves
William aka "wil7"LLuxemburgDaemon Legions
Quentin aka "Chaeron"LLuxemburgUndying Dynasties
Sébastien aka "Wally"LCapellenInfernal Dwarves
Arnaud aka "mavrolis"LStrassenDwarven Holds
Olli aka "Pee-Nut"DEuskirchenDread Elves
Peter aka "Borgio"DRheinbergWarriors of the Dark Gods
Giulio G.LLuxembourgHighborn Elves
Tobias aka "Fuulsh"DBonnHighborn Elves
Artur aka "BicMac"DKölnDread Elves
14.Belgian Mercenaries
Hadrien aka "strauss"BWSPBeast Herds
Alan aka "Tonton8"BLobbesOrcs and Goblins
Maximilien aka "tcho"BBernissartThe Vermin Swarm
Jonathan aka "Yilmi"BSoumagneVampire Covenant
Dominique aka "Osgi"BLiègeDread Elves
15.team liège
Thibaud aka "bolard"BEmbourgVampire Covenant
Stéphane aka "Gandalf"BHerveHighborn Elves
Gregory aka "Gregus"BLiègeEmpire of Sonnstahl
Frédéric aka "genosuko"BEmbourgWarriors of the Dark Gods
Denis aka "Trutchette"BAineffeUndying Dynasties
16.Team Norway
Andreas aka "Njut"NParisThe Vermin Swarm
Lars Morten aka "Zuhlmatul"NAskøyKingdom of Equitaine
Karl-Erik aka "Kalerith"NJørpelandOrcs and Goblins
Sigbjorn aka "Ugrush"NNotoddenDaemon Legions
(anonym)Beast Herds
Jasper B.NLUtrechtWarriors of the Dark Gods
Reinier v.DBerlinEmpire of Sonnstahl
Michiel aka "Oathbound"NLEindhovenDwarven Holds
Jetro aka "Jerroii"NLUtrechtOrcs and Goblins
Roderick aka "Redduke"NLEindhovenKingdom of Equitaine
18.Brussels Fanatics
Christopher aka "Rothulf"BWemmelWarriors of the Dark Gods
Quentin aka "Morkall"BWemmelOrcs and Goblins
Cedric aka "Mallak"BWemmelThe Vermin Swarm
Vincent aka "jacktherror"BJetteDaemon Legions
Serge aka "Khaghan"BBruxellesVampire Covenant
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