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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - B.B.A - Bière Bash Andouillette - 1DTroyes - Warmach

1.Florian aka "TBT"FMontigny Les MetzKhador
2.Lionel aka "ConarLeBarban"FDijonCryx
3.Thibault aka "VaeVictis_"FCharleville-MézièresMercenaries
4.Maverick aka "PeterStone"BNamurLegion of Everblight
5.Xavier aka "Sharkface"BJambes (Namur)Retribution of Scyrah
6.Damien aka "QSPainting"FMetzThe Skorne
7.Sylvain aka "Vano"FDijonThe Circle Orboros
8.Andy aka "Sexy_Andy"BChâteletCryx
9.Karim aka "prince_mohamed"FchampagneyThe Skorne
10.Cyril aka "Sakamin"FBesançonRetribution of Scyrah
11.Samuel aka "syco"FVillentroisRetribution of Scyrah
12.Kevin aka "Napalm"FJarnyTrollblood
13.Frederic aka "Fred57"FMetzThe Skorne
14.Thierry aka "Ticamp_des_bois"FBesanconCygnar
15.Denis aka "IaloNanto"FNantesMercenaries
16.Kevin aka "Raz"FLieusaintThe Circle Orboros
17.Lecomte aka "Cochondinde-nator"FHaybesKhador
18.Julien aka "sevis"FVouziersGrymkin
19.Julien aka "Merou"FMontgeronKhador
20.Fab aka "Fabou_le_petit_Nantais"FNantesThe Circle Orboros
21.Clément aka "Murmure"FAndrésyMinions
22.Loïc aka "Ash"FKanfenKhador
23.Christophe aka "Chris10"FArcis Sur AubeCygnar
24.Olivier aka "Zaal2"FDroupt-Saint-BasleThe Skorne
25.Vincent aka "Escandil"FDijonProtectorate of Menoth
26.Guillaume aka "rabanuts"FMoutiersProtectorate of Menoth
27.Pierre-Alain aka "Morgianna"TroyesRetribution of Scyrah
28.Virgile aka "Jamedbol"FRocroiCygnar
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