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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age

Peter aka "DucDeGuerre"DDürenThe Vermin Swarm
Tim aka "Fireborn"DBraunschweigInfernal Dwarves
Frederick aka "Frederick"DHiddenhausenBeast Herds
Yannic aka "Kumbum"DHerfordKingdom of Equitaine
2.Luxe et bourgeoisie
Jérémy aka "Xarys"FBougivalVampire Covenant
Renaud aka "renaud_"FParisOrcs and Goblins
Davide L.IRomaWarriors of the Dark Gods
Johannes aka "Pupenspieler"DBerlinInfernal Dwarves
3.Team England
Mikey aka "Mikey"UKManchesterVampire Covenant
Chris aka "chrislegg23"UKLondonInfernal Dwarves
Adam aka "Tanka"UKKingswinfordOgre Khans
Will G.UKManchesterThe Vermin Swarm
4.Bomber Team
Francesco aka "babbonatale"IMilanoDwarven Holds
Samuele aka "AstarothSamu"ILodiSylvan Elves
Alberto aka "ilBae"FNiceOgre Khans
Lorenzo aka "Unzul"IMornagoHighborn Elves
5.Belgian Chocolates
Olli aka "Pee-Nut"DEuskirchenHighborn Elves
Thomas J.BMoerzekeWarriors of the Dark Gods
Zacharie aka "luthorhuss"FLe MansOgre Khans
François aka "Jaina"BLiègeThe Vermin Swarm
6.Fantastique Bataillon of Geyser
Thomas aka "Lake"FMontrougeOgre Khans
Maxime aka "Mweax"FParisDwarven Holds
Thibault aka "Ankor"FParisHighborn Elves
Sylvain aka "cocofreeze"FMontrouge & BonnellesSylvan Elves
7.Swiss Roots
Paul aka "polux"CHMontmollinDwarven Holds
Victor aka "sevic"CHCorcellesVampire Covenant
Filip aka "Pulps"CHMinusioSaurian Ancients
Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer"DMannheimKingdom of Equitaine
8.Luxation de la Chatte !
Thibaut aka "Myelome"FMarcelcaveDaemon Legions
Gaspard aka "Gaspacho"FRouenOrcs and Goblins
Julien aka "Poliorcetic"FGaillonSylvan Elves
Tanguy aka "MyreilleST"FLilleOgre Khans
9.Saar Support
Florian aka "Thargunitoth"DObersimtenSylvan Elves
Sotiris B.GRGrèceWarriors of the Dark Gods
Emmanuil M.GRGrèceOrcs and Goblins
Marc aka "Caledoriv"DKaiserslauternKingdom of Equitaine
10.Die fiesen Otternasen
Daniel aka "Rodriguez"DSchwelmWarriors of the Dark Gods
Kevin aka "Bobmali"DHattingenDaemon Legions
Christoph aka "Aureon"DHattingenBeast Herds
Mark aka "InquisitorZorn"DHattingenSylvan Elves
11.Les Résistants Battle
Andy aka "Argor"FAnnecyHighborn Elves
Jérémy aka "Heydrick"FParisDaemon Legions
Adrien aka "Hasael"FCréteilSaurian Ancients
Marc aka "Sorrente"FBordeauxEmpire of Sonnstahl
Stefan aka "Lefy"DAachenWarriors of the Dark Gods
(anonym)Undying Dynasties
(anonym)Kingdom of Equitaine
Artur aka "BicMac"DKölnHighborn Elves
Olivier aka "Nico57"FChatel St GermainSaurian Ancients
Mickael aka "Thunderman"FMetzOgre Khans
Emmanuel aka "Don_Perr"FPont A MoussonDaemon Legions
Pyrouette aka "dindron"FMoignonEmpire of Sonnstahl
14.Knights of Ebene 2
Thibaud aka "bolard"BEmbourgVampire Covenant
Frédéric aka "genosuko"BEmbourgWarriors of the Dark Gods
Denis aka "Trutchette"BAineffeUndying Dynasties
Stéphane aka "Gandalf"BHerveBeast Herds
Andreas aka "Njut"NParisVampire Covenant
Renato aka "Kermit"FParisSaurian Ancients
Juan aka "Xso"EParisWarriors of the Dark Gods
Josselin aka "baooss"FBourg-La-ReineOrcs and Goblins
16.Les Résistants Battle 2
Damien aka "Endy"FGapVampire Covenant
Alexandre aka "Seven"FRouenOgre Khans
Fabrice aka "Mc_Khaine"FOrvilliersSylvan Elves
Yann aka "Bat_cat"FYutzBeast Herds
Lars Morten aka "Zuhlmatul"NAskøyKingdom of Equitaine
Sigbjorn aka "Ugrush"NNotoddenDwarven Holds
Karl-Erik aka "Kalerith"NJørpelandOrcs and Goblins
Jørund aka "Harakiri-1"NKristiansandDaemon Legions
18.le Conclave d'Ebène
Lorenzo aka "Skarloc"BBruxellesSylvan Elves
Cédric aka "Moussse"BJetteBeast Herds
Camille aka "Sire_Trencavel"BBruxellesEmpire of Sonnstahl
Edouard aka "Wraysford"BBruxellesVampire Covenant
19.Troll N Roll
(anonym)Saurian Ancients
Sébastien aka "Wally"BHabergyKingdom of Equitaine
Quentin aka "Chaeron"LLuxemburgHighborn Elves
Arnaud aka "mavrolis"LStrassenDwarven Holds
20.FBJ Canal Historique
Antoine aka "O_magnifico"FEragny Sur OiseBeast Herds
Fabrice aka "Babnik"FJoinville le PontDread Elves
Hoang aka "Peax"FNeuilly Sur MarneSylvan Elves
Adrien aka "Arwyl"FParisDaemon Legions
21.Knights of Ebene
Joachim aka "keya"BWavreDwarven Holds
Loick aka "logik"BBruxellesKingdom of Equitaine
Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
François aka "Valmir"BAthThe Vermin Swarm
22.Brussels Fanatics
Vincent aka "jacktherror"BDrogenbosDaemon Legions
Hadrien aka "strauss"BWSPBeast Herds
Cedric aka "Mallak"BWemmelDread Elves
Quentin aka "Morkall"BWemmelOrcs and Goblins
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