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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 1629 - Alexis aka "Dutch" from FVannes

Alexis made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
611eme 1664 WTF a saint jean de boiseauF44640 Saint Jean De BoiseauChaos Daemons2020-01-1250675.63%+0%3.3924%0.81
1Qualification ETC 2020 - D3 I - Le Mans - TeamF72100 Le MansThe Inquisition2019-12-1533564.22%+2%2.1222%0.47
2Qualification ETC 2020 - D2 B - Argenton sur Creuse - TeamF36200 Argenton Sur CreuseOrks2020-01-2634575.63%+2%1.9820%0.40
1Qualification ETC 2019 - D3 Delta - Nord 1 - TeamF75006 ParisOrks2019-01-1332552.38%+2%1.1918%0.21
7GTBN 2018 - TeamF50160 GuilbervilleOrks2018-04-1556701.34%+0%0.7216%0.12
More tournaments:
6Tournoi des Viking 2016 - TeamF14790 VersonChaos Daemons2016-12-0478790.56%+0%0.26--
23Retour vers le futur 2015 [La Bannière de l'ombre - 49]F49300 CholetOrks2015-11-2242630.32%+0%0.09--
3GPS III 2014F56520 GuidelChaos Daemons2014-06-0120430.1%+0%0.04--
1Tournoi des Celtes Ludiques - TeamF56100 LorientChaos Daemons2013-12-0116370.08%+5%0.03--
10tournois des squigs à lunettesF53000 LavalOrks2014-09-2818400.13%+0%0.03--
81er Tournoi Warhammer 40 000 en individuelF56000 VannesChaos Daemons2013-08-0413320.06%+0%0.01--
4Qualification ETC 2019 - D2 Alpha - Zone Nord 1 - TeamF78460 ChevreuseThe Inquisition2019-03-0332553.17%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 218. Place in the Brisk-ranking of FFrance
* 645. Place in the EDEN-ranking of FFrance
* 715. Place in the WM-ranking of FFrance
* 228. Place in the Brisk-ranking of Europe
* 711. Place in the EDEN-ranking of Europe
* 1889. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
* 4339. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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