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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 12. Ludwigsburger Stronghold Siege

1.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
2.Dirk aka "Totenkopfmann"DLudwigsburgKhador
3.Joachim aka "Mootaz"DStuttgartProtectorate of Menoth
4.Andreas aka "GadrAl"DBrackenheimMercenaries
5.Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DHolzkirchenCryx
6.Robert aka "Zahnfee"DSteißlingenCryx
7.Rainer aka "ragme"DDitzingenCygnar
8.Henry aka "Naggaroth"DLudwigsburgLegion of Everblight
9.(anonym)The Circle Orboros
10.Marco aka "Nesh"DLudwigsburgMercenaries
11.Jens aka "lurmp"DStuttgartCryx
12.Gabriel aka "Me-not"DStuttgartProtectorate of Menoth
13.Fabian aka "Rizzen"DMarbachTrollblood
14.Benedikt aka "Bombarden-Bene"DSingenKhador
15.Ronnie aka "r0nL"DMarbachCygnar
16.Daniel aka "Karlek"DGottmadingenCygnar
17.Niklas aka "Funk-Docta-Spock"DLudwigsburgProtectorate of Menoth
18.Alexander aka "gid"DMünchenKhador
19.Sedric aka "Stormwolf-"DBesigheimRetribution of Scyrah
20.Kolja K.DMöglingenRetribution of Scyrah
21.Simon aka "fearless"DRömerbergProtectorate of Menoth
22.Steve aka "Ariez_Obann"DBad LiebenzellThe Circle Orboros
23.Michael aka "Samtron"DMannheimCryx
24.Jakob aka "Seetroll"DVillingenCygnar
25.Sascha aka "oger"DCalwCygnar
26.Martin aka "kunzel"DVillingen-SchwenningRetribution of Scyrah
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