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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - It appears to be jammed! Episode 8 DeluxeWaveKit-Turnier

1.Völke aka "Turbopups"DNeumünsterGalactic Empire
2.Alexander aka "luke732"DKielRebel Alliance
3.Danny aka "Ragulsor"DNeumünsterRebel Alliance
4.Nico aka "sculz78"DHamburgRebel Alliance
5.Michael aka "Woodpecker"DHamburgScum and Villainy
6.Christoph aka "Muelli8585"DHamburgFirst Order
7.Björn aka "Rufname-Z"DKielFirst Order
8.(anonym)Scum and Villainy
8.(anonym)Scum and Villainy
9.Michael aka "Bombyx_mori"DItzehoeGalactic Empire
10.Volker aka "Discogolog"DItzehoeRebel Alliance
11.Florian aka "Werner"DHeideScum and Villainy
12.Jakob aka "Snake"DItzehoeSeparatist Alliance
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