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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - STORE [Paris] WAAAGH TAVERNE - le samedi 1 juillet 2017

1.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
2.Sebastien aka "Netice"FParisRebel Alliance
3.Kévin aka "Nerro"FLe Blanc MesnilScum and Villainy
4.Yann aka "Nnayl"FRueil MalmaisonRebel Alliance
5.Pierre aka "Futil"FIssy-Les-MoulineauxRebel Alliance
6.Christophe aka "Longshot58"FLongjumeauRebel Alliance
7.Lionel aka "LeHerly"FSaint-Germain-en-LayeRebel Alliance
8.Fred aka "Grendelator"FCreteilRebel Alliance
9.Axel aka "Azkel"FSt Germain en LayeGalactic Empire
10.Maxime aka "Max-Martigan"FSaint-DenisScum and Villainy
11.Vincent aka "Sacarus"FChatouRebel Alliance
12.Martial aka "Aedarian"FMorsang Sur OrgeGalactic Empire
13.Daniel aka "Pelayo"FMontgeronGalactic Empire
14.Mourjan aka "Mourjan"FParisRebel Alliance
15.Pierre aka "Drakenstein"FLe pecqScum and Villainy
16.David aka "Daken"FSaint DenisRebel Alliance
17.Guillaume aka "X-Yaum"FPalaiseauGalactic Empire
18.Nicolas aka "Elred"FPoissyRebel Alliance
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