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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - tournoi troll2jeux 20/08/06

1.Louis aka "Comborex"FParisScum and Villainy
2.Leo aka "Barbarossa"FParisScum and Villainy
3.Thierry aka "Ronimix"FParisScum and Villainy
4.Sebastien aka "Netice"FParisRebel Alliance
5.Pierre aka "Futil"FIssy-Les-MoulineauxScum and Villainy
6.Maël aka "Torkil"FCourcouronnesRebel Alliance
7.Olivier aka "Roy_Bean"FLe Pré Saint GervaisGalactic Empire
8.Luis aka "elepe"FParisRebel Alliance
9.Rémi aka "Renfri"FSainte Geneviève Des BoisScum and Villainy
10.Vincent aka "Macvin"FSceauxRebel Alliance
11.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
12.Félix aka "Lysta"FCachanScum and Villainy
13.Kévin aka "Nerro"FLe Blanc MesnilGalactic Empire
14.Jérémy aka "Darshan"FChalautre La GrandeRebel Alliance
15.Gil aka "Zil"FLagny-Sur-MarneScum and Villainy
16.Clément aka "Gougou"FParisScum and Villainy
17.Martial aka "Aedarian"FMorsang Sur OrgeRebel Alliance
18.Stephane aka "captcav"FVerneuil Sur SeineGalactic Empire
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