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ETR Europe - The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles Place 10 - Pierre-Emmanuel aka "Gilg248" from FNice

Pierre-Emmanuel made following placements at T9A-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
7Inter-Régions 2023 - TeamF41200 RomorantinDwarven Holds2023-10-083488542.19%+0%31.8824%7.65
2Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XVIF01700 NeyronDwarven Holds2023-11-19244842.19%+0%19.3722%4.26
16th Paris Masters (Summer edition) - TeamF94340 Joinville Le PontDwarven Holds2023-07-02406131.64%+4%19.0420%3.81
1Qualification France - ETC 2022 - TeamF67230 WesthouseDwarven Holds2022-06-06968417.8%+2%14.7618%2.66
1Stone Age 3 - TeamF63360 GerzatDaemon Legions2022-09-18808017.8%+5%14.6716%2.35
More tournaments:
7BELLUM LACUM VI - TeamF74140 DouvaineMakhar2023-01-29928323.73%+0%14.18--
2Fiesta Cabra II - 2v2 - Tisseurs de Rêves - TeamF83130 La GardeMakhar2023-08-13163742.19%+0%13.01--
4tournoi du nain Gros-Gnons XVF01700 NeyronDaemon Legions2022-10-23345723.73%+0%12.30--
1BELLUM LACUM V 2022 - TeamF74140 DouvaineOrcs and Goblins2022-01-30888213.35%+5%11.29--
2INTER-RÉGIONS T9A 2021 - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxDwarven Holds2021-12-122688513.35%+2%11.26--
2L'Alliance - Tournoi annuel - TeamF59167 LallaingDwarven Holds2022-09-25325523.73%+4%11.14--
1Giant 's Summer BashF74140 DouvaineDwarven Holds2022-06-26163717.8%+20%7.90--
1Orktoberfest XIV - 9eme Age - TeamF31880 La Salvetat-St-GillesOrcs and Goblins2021-10-03486610.01%+5%6.72--
2Mootland Team Championship 3 - TeamF69560 Sainte ColombeOrcs and Goblins2021-06-2072777.51%+4%5.53--
3Tournoi du Nain Gros-Gnons XIVF01700 NeyronDaemon Legions2021-11-21285210.01%+0%4.82--
1Mootland Team Championship #2 - TeamF69560 Ste ColombeDwarven Holds2020-02-2396843.17%+5%2.75--
2Bellum Lacum IV - TeamF74140 DouvaineOgre Khans2020-01-2696843.17%+4%2.60--
2Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XIIIF01700 NeyronDwarven Holds2019-11-1748663.17%+15%2.35--
1OKTOBER FEST 12 - TeamF31880 La Salvetat Saint GillesDwarven Holds2019-09-2972772.38%+5%1.88--
9Old-School Warhammer - En route pour l'IRCH1003 LausanneDwarven Holds2020-10-1724485.63%+0%1.76--
3La joute du DOC 2019 - TeamF68720 ZillisheimDwarven Holds2019-10-2780802.38%+2%1.71--
10Luxembourg Bash Master IV - TeamL1469 LuxembourgDwarven Holds2020-03-01120853.17%+0%1.63--
2Inter-Régions The Ninth Age 2019 - TeamF59136 WavrinDwarven Holds2019-05-26204851.78%+2%1.49--
1Qualif ETC France 2019 - TeamF67230 WesthouseÅsklanders2019-04-2281801.78%+2%1.38--
3Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age III - TeamL1469 LuxembourgÅsklanders2019-03-10100851.78%+2%1.36--
1BELLUM LACUM III - TeamF74140 DouvaineDwarven Holds2019-01-2748661.78%+5%1.20--
1La joute du "DOC" - TeamF68720 ZillisheimDwarven Holds2018-10-2176781.34%+5%1.07--
3PARIS TAVERN MASTERS - TeamF75006 ParisDwarven Holds2019-12-1530533.17%+0%0.98--
2La Grande Castagne Ardéchoise XF07000 VeyrasDwarven Holds2018-09-2336581.34%+15%0.87--
7Tournoi du NAIN GROS-GNONS XIIF01700 NeyronDwarven Holds2018-11-1851681.34%+0%0.80--
3Le Trône de Wavrin - BF Le 9e ÂgeF59136 WavrinDwarven Holds2019-02-0324481.78%+0%0.78--
9Q.T.L. International Brawl 2.0 (ITALY) - TeamI20126 MilanDwarven Holds2018-11-25104851.34%+0%0.77--
1Tournoi du NAIN GROS-GNON XIF01700 NeyronWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-11-1976780.75%+20%0.70--
8Tournoi Interrégions 9eme Age 2018 - TeamF24430 Marsac Sur L'isleDaemon Legions2018-06-17216851%+0%0.68--
1Mootland Team Championship - TeamF69700 GivorsDwarven Holds2018-02-0472770.75%+3%0.58--
1Big-Games 2 - TeamCH1727 CorpatauxDwarven Holds2017-12-0364740.75%+5%0.57--
29th Age Burn my Rock - TeamF83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensWarriors of the Dark Gods2018-04-0840611%+4%0.54--
5La doublette du Necromant 2 - TeamF33140 Villenave D'ornonDwarven Holds2018-09-0232551.34%+0%0.53--
3Qualifs ETC France T9A - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqWarriors of the Dark Gods2018-05-2164741%+1%0.52--
2Grimoire 12 - TeamF31300 ToulouseSaurian Ancients2018-03-1148660.75%+4%0.45--
4Tournoi Inter-Région de 9e Âge - 2017 - TeamF24430 PérigueuxWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-06-18192850.56%+1%0.43--
1LFG 9th Age 2017 double fixe - TeamF69400 Villefranche Sur SaoneUndying Dynasties2017-05-2148660.42%+10%0.30--
514ème lice des lemovicesF87570 Rilhac RanconWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-09-1730530.56%+0%0.26--
6Orktoberfest 2017 - 9th Age - TeamF31880 La Salvetat Saint GillesWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-10-0156700.56%+0%0.24--
5Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XF01700 NeyronInfernal Dwarves2016-11-2068750.32%+0%0.22--
4Grimoire XI - TeamF31300 ToulouseWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-03-1348660.42%+0%0.20--
19th Age Rock your BurnF83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-04-0914340.42%+20%0.17--
2La Grande Castagne Ardechoise IXF07000 VeyrasInfernal Dwarves2016-09-1824480.32%+0%0.15--
14InterRégion 9th 2016 - TeamF26000 ValenceInfernal Dwarves2016-06-19168850.24%+0%0.10--
6Warhammer 9th Age Cergy par Equipe - TeamF95000 CergyThe Vermin Swarm2017-10-1532550.56%+0%0.10--
18Q.T.L. International brawl - TeamI20126 MilanWarriors of the Dark Gods2017-11-0580800.75%+0%0.07--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 168. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 425. Place in the KoW-ranking of Europe
* 2. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 10. Place in the T9A-ranking of FFrance
* 18. Place in the T9A-ranking of IItaly
* 38. Place in the T9A-ranking of CHSwitzerland
* 73. Place in the T9A-ranking of LLuxembourg
* 277. Place in the KoW-ranking of FFrance
Player's awards:
* Mootland Team Championship: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* La joute du "DOC": player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Q.T.L. International Brawl 2.0 (ITALY): player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Mootland Team Championship #2: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* BELLUM LACUM V 2022: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Fiesta Cabra II - 2v2 - Tisseurs de Rêves: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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