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NTRv3.0 Germany - Warhammer Fantasy Battles Place 870 - Felix aka "Zeruel" from DHamburg

Felix made following placements at WHFB-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
3Rahlstedtkloppen - reducedD22143 Hamburg2013-10-0516370.04%+0%0.0124%0.00
28AlsterKloppen XVI - EinzelkuschelnD20099 HamburgVampire Counts2013-11-1642630.06%+0%0.0122%0.00
16Bundesland-Meisterschaften - TeamD45721 Haltern am SeeDaemons of Chaos2011-12-04150850.01%+0%0.0120%0.00
192. WeserspieleD27809 LemwerderVampire Counts2012-09-2930530.02%+0%0.0018%0.00
25Gral des Chaos 2010D38100 BraunschweigDaemons of Chaos2010-03-1474780%+0%0.0016%0.00
More tournaments:
15AlsterKloppen VIIID20099 HamburgBeastmen2010-05-0944640%+0%0.00--
7AlsterKloppen VII - Teamkuscheln - TeamD20099 HamburgVampire Counts2009-11-0872770%+0%0.00--
24Stadtmeisterschaften 2010 - TeamD48149 MünsterVampire Counts2010-06-13229850%+0%0.00--
22. Kieler SprottenschlitzenD24116 KielVampire Counts2009-04-1836580%+15%0.00--
21AlsterKloppen - Light! XIII - Fantasy meets 40KD20099 HamburgVampire Counts2009-09-0566750%+0%0.00--
9Moments of Glory - Teamturnier II - TeamD30163 HannoverDaemons of Chaos2010-04-1042630%+0%0.00--
20Doomdiver CupD28217 BremenDaemons of Chaos2009-10-0440610%+0%0.00--
4Fantasy Massaka! 09D21035 HamburgVampire Counts2009-03-2128520%+0%0.00--
21AlsterKloppen - Light! XII - Fantasy meets 40KD20099 HamburgVampire Counts2009-03-2850670%+0%0.00--
22Oldenburger Warhammer Turnier 2008D26121 OldenburgDaemons of Chaos2008-08-3164740%+0%0.00--
3Küstenklatschen VID27474 CuxhanvenDaemonic Legion2008-02-2346650%+0%0.00--
2DRAGONHEART - WAFFENBRÜDER - TeamD29221 CelleVampire Counts2008-04-2042630%+5%0.00--
15AK light IX - Fantasy meets 40KD20099 HamburgDaemonic Legion2008-01-2664740%+0%0.00--
15AlsterKloppen V - Es lebt!D20099 HamburgVampire Counts2008-06-2242630%+0%0.00--
7Küstenklatschen VIID27472 CuxhavenDaemons of Chaos2008-06-0738600%+0%0.00--
6AlsterKloppen IV - Gruppenkuscheln - TeamD20099 HamburgDaemonic Legion2007-11-0482800%+0%0.00--
1Schlacht ums Drachenei ID22087 HamburgDaemonic Legion2007-12-1518400%+20%0.00--
16Vielfraß-Turnier 4D37133 Friedland/StockhausenDaemons of Chaos2008-05-0434570%+0%0.00--
31Oldenburger Warhammer Turnier 2007D26121 OldenburgDaemonic Legion2007-09-0266750%+0%0.00--
33AlsterKloppen IIID20099 HamburgDaemonic Legion2007-05-0685810%+0%0.00--
46KlunkaKistä 5D13627 BerlinVampire Counts2008-11-0258710%+0%0.00--
23AlsterKloppen - Light! VD20099 Hamburg2006-11-0460720%+0%0.00--
24AlsterKloppen - Light! VIID20099 HamburgDaemons of Chaos2007-03-1060720%+0%0.00--
70Alsterkloppen VID20099 HamburgVampire Counts2009-01-1880800%+0%0.00--
391. FUNtainment M.A.D.´s Warhammer Fantasy TurnierD10243 BerlinVampire Counts2009-03-0146650%+0%0.00--
181. Treueste Trinker Tjoste zu RostockD18055 RostockDaemonic Legion2007-04-1436580%+0%0.00--
5Dark Prophecy Warpack 2007 (WHFB Turnier)D23843 Bad OldesloeDaemonic Legion2007-09-308200%+0%0.00--
* 2109. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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