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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 896 - Phane aka "Nod" from FMontpellier

Phane made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
3Winter Team Grabuge Tournament - TeamF11000 CarcassonneChaos Daemons2022-01-23426323.73%+0%13.3124%3.19
19In2mitus Resurrection - TeamF31320 Castanet TolosanSpace Marines2021-10-03607217.8%+0%4.8922%1.08
9TOURNOI 40K BDR FIGURINESF13127 VitrollesChaos Daemons2022-03-06163723.73%+0%4.1020%0.82
15Le tournoi de La tablée dé trolls, deuxième bourre-pif.F66350 ToulougesEldar2022-04-17174323.73%+0%1.2818%0.23
1Petit Tournoi d'Automne des Centurions - Octobre 2016 - TeamF34750 Villeneuve-Lès-MagueloneChaos Daemons2016-10-3024480.56%+10%0.2916%0.05
More tournaments:
7Grand Tournoi de Catalogne 2013 - TeamF66350 ToulougesChaos Daemons2013-09-2944640.06%+0%0.03--
7Gros Tournoi Estival de Terra LudisF34970 LattesChaos Daemons2013-09-0121440.06%+0%0.02--
9Tournoi printanier Warhammer 40.000 de Terra LudisF34000 MontpellierChaos Daemons2013-05-2622450.06%+0%0.02--
9Petit tournoi d'Automne des CenturionsF34750 Villeneuve-Lès-MagueloneChaos Daemons2014-11-0210250.13%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 6. Place in the Nec-ranking of FFrance
* 67. Place in the CO3-ranking of FFrance
* 72. Place in the Inf-ranking of FFrance
* 464. Place in the SWL-ranking of FFrance
* 934. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
* 6. Place in the Nec-ranking of Europe
* 67. Place in the CO3-ranking of Europe
* 769. Place in the Inf-ranking of Europe
* 973. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 1771. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 2909. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Petit Tournoi d'Automne des Centurions - Octobre 2016: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Les increuvables
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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