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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Lotr Sunday 12.11.2023

1.Marlon aka "Lucky_2"CHReinachThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
2.Lukas aka "LukasW"UsterAngmar
3.Kerim aka "Koroyosh"CHMeierskappelThe Dead of Dunharrow
4.Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"CHStansAngmar
5.Benjamin aka "benjderxv"CHLachenThe Rangers of Ithilien
6.Lars aka "Iten96"CHEnnetbürgenThe Wanderers in the Wild
7.Johannes aka "Johny_Spaghetti"CHZürichThe Easterlings
8.Luca aka "SonofGondor16"CHBrislachThe Shire
9.Moritz aka "kamahl90"CHBaselMoria
10.Patrick aka "Maedhros04"CHBrislachNúmenor
11.Nico aka "wehendeshaar"CHHorgenVariags of Khand
12.Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbruggMoria
13.Max aka "TinSoldier"CHZürichThranduil's Hall
14.Marc aka "MarcS"CHUsterIsengard
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