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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Iron West

1.Nicolas aka "Redlion"FLe TréhouLegion of Everblight
2.Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FChallansCygnar
3.Jean-Vincent aka "Jivious"FBrestCryx
4.Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FCommequiersCryx
6.Mathieu aka "Scorpion-"FLavalRetribution of Scyrah
7.Fab aka "Fabou_le_petit_Nantais"FNantesThe Circle Orboros
8.Jeremy aka "Psychobilly"FBrestProtectorate of Menoth
9.Cyril aka "Nefer29"FBourg-BlancThe Skorne
10.Gauvain aka "Thyamath"FBrestLegion of Everblight
11.Guillaume aka "Guiguiscout"FL'huisserieThe Skorne
12.Antoine aka "tonioscorpio"FSaint Pol De LéonThe Skorne
13.Gauthier aka "bourrin"FQuestembertLegion of Everblight
14.Nicolas aka "mushin"FPlougastel-DaoulasThe Circle Orboros
15.Yann aka "Neokhaine"FBrestCygnar
16.Didier aka "Draycha"FGuipavasLegion of Everblight
17.Baptiste aka "bapt"FBrestThe Circle Orboros
18.Gallay aka "torniole"FBrestThe Skorne
19.Denis aka "IaloNanto"FNantesMercenaries
20.Yann aka "Sysd"FPleybenConvergence of Cyriss
21.Daniel aka "Shogun"FBrestThe Skorne
22.Frederic aka "totorisback"FBain De BretagneMinions
23.Hugues aka "grogro"FLilleCryx
24.Samuel aka "samy44"FNantesProtectorate of Menoth
25.Guillaume aka "Boubouche"FBrestCryx
26.Anthony aka "Lodorei"FKersaint-PlabennecThe Circle Orboros
27.Romain aka "romG"FVannesThe Circle Orboros
28.Ismaël aka "BicheNeuve"FBoulogneKhador
29.David-Allain aka "tygnonderohan"FBrestLegion of Everblight
30.Johan aka "dudu29"FBrestCygnar
31.Geoffrey aka "Bouba"FBrestCygnar
32.Guillaume aka "Sardouille"FCalorguenConvergence of Cyriss
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