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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Hobby Shop Age Of Sigmar 2

1.Christophe aka "Kris"FLa TroncheStormcast Eternals
2.Adrien aka "Pavlis"FGrenobleDaemons of Chaos
3.Jonathan aka "jhon38"FVillard-BonnotWarriors of Chaos
4.Matthieu aka "Lanashi"FVoironVampire Counts
5.Sebastien aka "Tesla"FFrogesHigh Elves
6.Mathieu aka "mathew"FEybensOrcs & Goblins
7.Yoan aka "Yoto"FPoisatKhorne Bloodbound
8.Aymeric aka "zami"FChambéryWarriors of Chaos
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