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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Epic Armageddon @ JFJ 2014

1.Thomas aka "titomane"FMassyHive Fleet Leviathan
2.Rémy aka "Cornelius40k"FPuteauxArmageddon Steel Legion
3.Pierre aka "plok"FParisAdeptus Mechanicus Titan Legions
4.William aka "Zanghjiao"FLa Garenne-ColombesTau Third Phase Expansion Force
5.Nicolas aka "Black_nico"FClichy-La-GarenneCodex Astartes Space Marines
5.Sebastien aka "Bhisma"FParisBlack Legion
7.Guillaume aka "Rahan"FErmontGhazghkull Mak Uruk Thraka's Ork War Horde
8.Guillaume aka "Goguigui"FL'hay Les RosesCodex Astartes Space Marines
9.Jcsw aka "JCsw"FParisCodex Astartes Space Marines
10.Sébastien aka "AtchoumT3"FSuresnesAlbork Orkstein's Gargant Big Mob
11.Sylvain aka "kykyl"FGrandlup Et FaySquat
12.Julien aka "kuwanan"FLevallois PerretHive Fleet Leviathan
13.Renaud aka "Tazounix"FMontpellierTau Third Phase Expansion Force
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