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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Partenaire où es-tu ??? - N°3

Frederic aka "muetdhiver"FParisDogs of War
Adrien aka "Arwyl"FParisDogs of War
Amine aka "Minh"FIllzachDogs of War
Alex aka "Inspecteur_G"FWittenheimDogs of War
François aka "Jaina"FRouenDogs of War
Roberto aka "meta"FrobervilleDogs of War
Timothy aka "Docteur_Gang"FKingersheimDogs of War
Jérôme aka "Hiero"FWittenheimDogs of War
5.l'équipe des petits poneys fringants
Julien aka "Juvin"FMontrond Le ChâteauDogs of War
Charles aka "Carlos_70"FVesoulDogs of War
6.Alliance Improbable
Julien aka "kraichti"FZillisheimDogs of War
Mathieu aka "Thorgrim-le-Rancunier"FBelfortDogs of War
7.Les dépeceurs
Eric aka "Grisou"FDanjoutinDogs of War
Bruno aka "SKalhel"FRoppeDogs of War
8.Les oreilles pointues
Franck aka "Aesanar"FCernayDogs of War
Rudy aka "Rudibert"FMeyenheimDogs of War
9.team jdc
Karim aka "prince_mohamed"FchampagneyDogs of War
Johann aka "jdc25"FBesanconDogs of War
10.necro demon
Alf aka "Athrus1111"FBesanconDogs of War
Frederic aka "dizzy70"FFouchécourtDogs of War
11.Les 2 suisses
Johan aka "Uzud"CHPorrentruyDogs of War
Gerald aka "Nulos"CHAlleDogs of War
Thierry aka "zerider"FChevremontDogs of War
(anonym)Dogs of War
13.Loys & fils
Adam aka "Niaztibite"FMarlyDogs of War
Patrick aka "papou"FAy Sur MoselleDogs of War
14.freres ennemis
Angelique aka "ange-dechu"FPort Sur SaoneDogs of War
Marc aka "panda-70"FVesoulDogs of War
15.Les poilus
Pierre aka "Le_Glouton"FFreyming-MerlebachDogs of War
Mathieu aka "Gorkhan"FLongeville Les MetzDogs of War
David aka "Harbull"FBelfortDogs of War
Jérémy aka "Jaelimar"FBelfortDogs of War
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