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ETR - Tournament Results - QUICK AND DIRTY 4 - jetzt noch schmutziger

2.Tjorben aka "Minigrot"DBremenLegion of Everblight
3.Christian aka "ChrisMD"DBremenCygnar
4.Kosta aka "anachronist"DBerlinTrollblood
5.Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul"DBremenCryx
6.Daniel aka "Strife"DGeorgsmarienhütteProtectorate of Menoth
7.Leon aka "Commander_Vimes"DBerlinProtectorate of Menoth
8.Jasmin aka "Mine"DWalsrodeMinions
9.Robin aka "DerRobbe"DBremenTrollblood
10.Olaf aka "Daffy"DBremenKhador
11.Thomas aka "Scetcher"DBerlinCygnar
12.Michael aka "Tanjol"DBerlinLegion of Everblight
13.Chris W.DBremerhavenTrollblood
14.Meik aka "The_Git"DGeorgsmarienhütteRetribution of Scyrah
15.Martin aka "Fomorian"DBerlinThe Skorne
16.Nino aka "Torsul"DBerlinKhador
17.Nicolas aka "N1C"DBremenThe Circle Orboros
18.Lars aka "Lars01"DBerlinProtectorate of Menoth
19.Bernhard aka "BiberXX"DBerlinProtectorate of Menoth
20.Philipp aka "Brezel"DBad FallingbostelRetribution of Scyrah
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