ETR - Tournament Results - COT 2018 KOW
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Timothée aka "Knurlnien" | Toulouse | Elves |
2. | Eric aka "Fusil1-1" | St Sulpice Des Landes | Ogres |
3. | Laurent aka "Poulpe_mysterieux" | Limoges | Goblins |
4. | Jean Luc aka "PPstilence" | Ambazac | Empire of Dust |
5. | Rachid aka "Le_Cul_de_Jatte" | Les drouillards des bois | Empire of Dust |
6. | Bastien aka "bastien16" | Angoulême | Forces of the Abyss |
7. | Michel aka "Kutchuc" | Toulouse | Basileans |
8. | Antoine aka "gitsnik" | Angouleme | Salamanders |
9. | Thibault aka "Chapelier" | Vaujours | Empire of Dust |
10. | Kevin aka "Ketep" | Aureil | Undead |
11. | Christophe aka "Althair" | Angoulême | Twilight Kin |
12. | Vincent aka "vassily" | Limoges | Elves |
13. | Olivier aka "Eiilorv" | Castres-Gironde | League of Rhordia |
14. | Vincent aka "Gorthor" | Limoges | The Herd |
15. | (anonym) | | Kingdoms of Men |
16. | Pierre-Antoine aka "CH1PS" | Châteaubriant | Forces of the Abyss |
17. | Eric aka "eric" | Angouleme | Basileans |
18. | Maxime aka "Maxou-88" | Balzac | Dwarfs |
19. | Dominique aka "MaSeDrIm" | Toulouse | Nightstalkers |
20. | Brice aka "Briceyo" | Limoges | Varangur |
21. | Jean-Marc aka "c0c0tte" | Juigné-des-Moutiers | League of Rhordia |
22. | Alain aka "Warzog" | Châteaubriant | Varangur |