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NTRv3.0 Germany - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Place 868 - Frank aka "Raven17" from CRV. Losinj

Frank made following placements at XWING-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
255System Open Germany 2018D30669 Hannover2018-04-08379851%+0%0.2824%0.07
43Regional BambergD96052 BambergScum and Villainy2018-02-1162731%+0%0.2322%0.05
255Hyperspace Germany 2018D30669 Hannover2018-04-08331851%+0%0.2020%0.04
3Regional Ost - DresdenD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2016-06-1138600.32%+0%0.1818%0.03
44Deutsche Meisterschaft 2016D74731 Walldürn2016-09-04127850.32%+0%0.1816%0.03
More tournaments:
70X-Wing System Open Series: LothalD70629 Stuttgart2016-06-26136850.32%+0%0.13--
1Kill & Grill Vol.1 by Team Fix und FoxyD95100 SelbScum and Villainy2016-05-2914340.32%+20%0.13--
22Store Championship 2017 der "ReckenEcke" DresdenD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2017-06-0435580.56%+0%0.13--
25Deutsche X-Wing Meisterschaft 2015D57548 Kirchen2015-08-16133850.18%+0%0.12--
7X-Wing: Die Rückkehr des Schweinfurter Fantasy-FestivalsD97421 SchweinfurtScum and Villainy2016-10-0126500.32%+0%0.12--
103. THE EAST STRIKES BACK - Store ChampionshipD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2016-03-0540610.24%+0%0.11--
12Lokalmeisterschaft Ultracomix NürnbergD90402 Nürnberg2016-03-2636580.24%+0%0.09--
9Store Championship Würzburg 2016D97070 WürzburgScum and Villainy2016-04-1730530.24%+0%0.09--
32. TTS-Cup X-Wing (in Mittelgroß)D04329 LeipzigScum and Villainy2016-02-2116370.24%+0%0.08--
6X-Wing Regional Gamers HQD13627 BerlinScum and Villainy2015-05-3141630.13%+0%0.07--
24Store Championship Bamberg ComixartD96052 BambergScum and Villainy2016-02-0645640.24%+0%0.07--
3Probeturnier im AliBaba SpieleclubD90403 NürnbergScum and Villainy2016-03-1215350.24%+0%0.07--
72. X-Wing Turnier 2016D99086 ErfurtScum and Villainy2016-06-0416370.32%+0%0.07--
33. TTCE X-Wing Turnier 2016D99086 ErfurtScum and Villainy2016-10-158200.42%+0%0.06--
152. Fränkische MeisterschaftD96052 BambergGalactic Empire2016-08-1424480.32%+0%0.06--
34. Salzgitter X-Wing TurnierD38226 SalzgitterRebel Alliance2015-02-2124480.13%+0%0.06--
3Auryn DM QualiD71032 Böblingen2015-06-2724480.13%+0%0.06--
51. X-Wing Turnier 2016D99084 ErfurtScum and Villainy2016-03-1914340.24%+0%0.06--
5X-Wing Funturnier im Ultracomix NürnbergD90402 NürnbergScum and Villainy2016-07-1611280.32%+0%0.05--
22Store Championship Nürnberg 2015D90402 Nürnberg2015-02-2849670.13%+0%0.05--
61st Just Gamers X-Wing Turnier: Kampf um den AußenpostenD29308 MeißendorfScum and Villainy2015-10-1718400.18%+0%0.05--
26Bee-Wing OneD67112 MutterstadtScum and Villainy2015-11-1544640.18%+0%0.05--
21Store Championship Ultra Comix ErlangenD91054 Erlangen2016-01-2732550.24%+0%0.05--
33Regional Ost 2016/17 - DresdenD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2016-12-0440610.42%+0%0.05--
55. X-Wing Turnier der Blood Stripes Germany | 2. VersuchD06313 WimmelburgScum and Villainy2016-04-0312300.24%+0%0.05--
3WM-Bootcamp und Fundraising TurnierD96050 BambergGalactic Empire2015-09-2612300.18%+0%0.04--
28X-Wing Qualifikationsturnier Mannheim 2015D67067 Ludwigshafen-MaudachRebel Alliance2015-05-0149670.13%+0%0.04--
23. X-Wing-Turnier der Blood Stripes GermanyD06313 WimmelburgScum and Villainy2015-05-0312300.13%+0%0.04--
8X-Wing Store Championship 2015 CoburgD96450 CoburgRebel Alliance2015-03-2120430.13%+0%0.04--
12Das Sternengeballer! - X-Wing - No 01D04329 LeipzigRebel Alliance2015-01-2526500.1%+0%0.03--
31. TTCE X - Wing TurnierD99085 ErfurtScum and Villainy2015-04-2510250.13%+0%0.03--
4Out of the Box IV - Take the LeadD96050 BambergRebel Alliance2015-09-139230.18%+0%0.03--
42. X-Wing-Turnier der Blood Stripes GermanyD06313 WimmelburgRebel Alliance2014-12-2812300.1%+0%0.02--
172. THE EAST STRIKES BACKD01307 DresdenGalactic Empire2015-08-2922450.18%+0%0.02--
12Out of the Box III - Random MetaD96050 BambergRebel Alliance2015-07-1116370.18%+0%0.02--
9X-Wing Brocken Masters IIID38642 GoslarRebel Alliance2015-04-1814340.13%+0%0.02--
16Battle over Bamberg - Episode III: Store Championship ComixartD96110 SchesslitzRebel Alliance2015-01-1024480.1%+0%0.02--
11. Traitors CupD96237 Ebersdorf B. CoburgRebel Alliance2015-02-016110.1%+20%0.01--
47X-Wing Regionals 2015 - Mitte - Die Spieleburg GöttingenD37077 Göttingen2015-06-0753690.13%+0%0.01--
4Das Sternengeballer! - X-Wing - No 2D04329 LeipzigScum and Villainy2015-05-306110.13%+0%0.01--
28Store Championship WürzburgD97070 WürzburgRebel Alliance2015-03-1530530.13%+0%0.00--
52. Traitors CupD96237 Ebersdorf B. CoburgScum and Villainy2015-05-106110.13%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 10. Place in the W30K-ranking of DGermany
* 840. Place in the W40K-ranking of AAustria
* 4207. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
* 10. Place in the W30K-ranking of Europe
* 1561. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 9594. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* 3. THE EAST STRIKES BACK - Store Championship: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Beste kreative Liste
* Store Championship Würzburg 2016: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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