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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer Fantasy Battles Place 382 - Jonathan aka "Sytri" from FFontoy

Jonathan made following placements at WHFB-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
5INTER-CLUB de l'Est 2014: WARHAMMER battle - TeamF57950 Montigny Les MetzOgre Kingdoms2014-10-1954690.13%+0%0.0724%0.02
5Le Beugleur et la Beugleuse - TeamF67500 HaguenauOgre Kingdoms2014-04-0628520.1%+0%0.0422%0.01
5Interclubs de l'est 2013 - TeamF67500 HaguenauOgre Kingdoms2013-11-0230530.08%+0%0.0220%0.00
2MWR championship wfb - TeamF25000 BesanconOgre Kingdoms2013-09-2220430.06%+0%0.0218%0.00
8A deux, on tape mieux! - TeamF57685 Metz AugnyOgre Kingdoms2012-11-2544640.03%+0%0.0116%0.00
More tournaments:
9Tournoi Crux Terminatus 2013F67200 StrasbourgOgre Kingdoms2013-01-2722450.04%+0%0.01--
9Partenaire où es-tu ??? - N°2 - TeamF90400 MerouxOgre Kingdoms2012-09-2340610.03%+0%0.01--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 455. Place in the W40K-ranking of FFrance
* 985. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 1909. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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