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NTRv3.0 France - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Place 598 - Florian aka "royda" from FTassin La Demi Lune

Florian made following placements at XWING-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
71Championnat de France X-Wing 2017F75012 ParisRebel Alliance2017-08-27167851%+0%0.4924%0.12
5Tournoi de mars [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2017-03-1216370.75%+0%0.2022%0.04
16[x-wing] Store Championship trolluneF69007 LyonRebel Alliance2017-06-1129530.75%+0%0.1820%0.04
10Tournoi de février [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonScum and Villainy2017-02-2616370.75%+0%0.1118%0.02
4Tournoi de decembre [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2016-12-1811280.56%+0%0.1116%0.02
More tournaments:
9Tournoi de novembre [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2016-11-2016370.56%+0%0.10--
7Bataille du système UkroF69007 LyonScum and Villainy2016-04-1715350.42%+0%0.08--
7Tournoi de Mai [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2017-05-1411280.75%+0%0.08--
19X-Wing - Championnat Régional Sud-Est 2015 - Déclic LudikF38300 Bourgoin-JallieuRebel Alliance2015-05-2444640.18%+0%0.07--
52X-Wing - Championnat Régional Sud-Est 2016 - Déclic LudikF38300 Bourgoin-JallieuScum and Villainy2016-05-2262730.42%+0%0.05--
10Tournoi d'octobre [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2016-10-1613320.56%+0%0.05--
15Championnat Régional Sud-Ouest de Star Wars X-WingF32600 L'isle JourdainRebel Alliance2014-05-0434570.1%+0%0.03--
43Championnat Régional Sud Ouest XWing 2015F32600 L'isle JourdainRebel Alliance2015-07-1253690.24%+0%0.03--
3X-Wing - Dogfight 100pts - Trollune 17 août 2014F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2014-08-1714340.1%+0%0.03--
2Les As de L'EspaceF69007 LyonRebel Alliance2014-05-018300.1%+0%0.03--
12Store Championship TrolluneF69007 LyonRebel Alliance2015-03-0818400.18%+0%0.03--
2Les pilotes de la vague 5 débarquent à Trollune !!! ;)F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2014-12-136230.13%+0%0.02--
11Store Championship UkroniumF69007 LyonRebel Alliance2015-03-2916370.18%+0%0.02--
9Tournoi d'Avril [Xwing Lyon]F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2017-04-3010250.75%+0%0.02--
5X-Wing - Dogfight Ludik - Rentrée 2014.F38300 Bourgoin-JallieuRebel Alliance2014-08-309230.13%+0%0.02--
5Les As de L'Espace 2 - Trollune 10 mai 2014F69007 LyonRebel Alliance2014-05-109230.1%+0%0.01--
6Tournoi mensuel 16 juillet 2016 TrolluneF69007 LyonScum and Villainy2016-07-167160.42%+0%0.01--
9Games Master Event 2013 - Star-Wars: X-WINGF34750 Villeneuve-Lès-MagueloneRebel Alliance2013-11-0310250.08%+0%0.00--
7Tournoi mensuel à UkroniumF69007 LyonScum and Villainy2015-04-195160.18%+0%0.00--
5X-Wing DogfightF69007 LyonRebel Alliance2014-07-26400.1%+0%0.00--
* 1738. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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