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NTRv3.0 Germany - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Place 64 - Arne aka "meeouw" from DLutherstadt Wittenberg

Arne made following placements at XWING-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
21X-Wing - Berlin Open 2023 - Store ChampionshipD10245 BerlinScum and Villainy2023-09-23345775%+0%16.8424%4.04
41. Leipzig OpenD04315 LeipzigScum and Villainy2023-02-11163742.19%+0%12.4922%2.75
74. Leipzig OpenD04315 LeipzigGalactic Republic2024-01-13133275%+0%12.0020%2.40
103. Leipzig Open SCD04315 LeipzigScum and Villainy2023-10-14163775%+0%11.1018%2.00
115. Leipzig OPEND04315 LeipzigScum and Villainy2024-04-271332100%+0%5.3316%0.85
More tournaments:
24. THE EAST STRIKES BACKD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2017-03-2534570.75%+15%0.48--
210. TTS-Cup X-WingD04349 Leipzig2018-06-1610251.78%+0%0.40--
12Store Championship X-Wing PotsdamD14467 PotsdamScum and Villainy2018-07-2221441.78%+0%0.35--
8Store Championship 2017 der "ReckenEcke" DresdenD01307 DresdenScum and Villainy2017-06-0435580.75%+0%0.35--
512. TTS-Cup X-WingD04329 Leipzig2018-11-1110252.38%+0%0.33--
109. TTS-Cup X-WingD04329 Leipzig2018-03-2520431.34%+0%0.30--
10SC X-Wing 42 Southside Fantasy 2017D12109 BerlinScum and Villainy2017-07-2924481%+0%0.29--
442 Southside Fantasy X Wing Summerkit16D12109 BerlinRebel Alliance2017-03-0418400.75%+0%0.25--
26. TTS-Cup X-WingD04329 Leipzig2017-06-1814340.75%+0%0.24--
54MER Tatooine Trophy 2018D38239 Salzgitter-ThiedeScum and Villainy2018-04-2170761.34%+0%0.24--
211. TTS-Cup X-Wing (Messeturnier auf der Modell-Hobby-Spiel)D04356 LeipzigScum and Villainy2018-10-076112.38%+0%0.21--
15. TTS-Cup X-WingD04329 LeipzigRebel Alliance2017-02-268200.75%+20%0.18--
98. TTS-Cup X-WingD04329 LeipzigRebel Alliance2017-11-1216371%+0%0.17--
19Das Sternengeballer! - X-Wing - No 01D04329 LeipzigRebel Alliance2015-01-2526500.18%+0%0.02--
33Aggromech Charity TurnierD13627 BerlinScum and Villainy2017-11-1833561%+0%0.00--
17. TTS-Cup X-Wing (Messeturnier auf der Modell-Hobby-Spiel)D04356 LeipzigScum and Villainy2017-10-01401%+20%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 316. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
* 121. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 362. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* 4. THE EAST STRIKES BACK: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester krimineller Abschaum
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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