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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - [Saint Nazaire] Tournoi Jawa de fin d'année 6-11-21

1.Florent aka "flo86"FNiortScum and Villainy
2.Félix aka "Kaplan"FFrontenay Rohan RohanGalactic Republic
3.Pierrick aka "LambRuyer"FSaint-NazaireGalactic Republic
4.Franck aka "Frankie"FParisRebel Alliance
5.Alexis aka "Alpha-leader"FPontchâteauFirst Order
6.Golven aka "ZeRan"FMontaiguSeparatist Alliance
7.Mathieu aka "aerf"FNantesFirst Order
8.Jérémie aka "ApO"FHaute-GoulaineFirst Order
9.Paul aka "Batobawan"FSaint-Brévin-les-PinsScum and Villainy
10.Jerome aka "Bugman-"FSaint-NazaireScum and Villainy
11.Antoine aka "bob-a-frite"FSaint NazaireSeparatist Alliance
12.Nicolas aka "NO666"FQuimperFirst Order
13.Florent aka "Flotor"FSaint-NazaireFirst Order
14.Guillaume aka "Perceo"FSaintesRebel Alliance
15.Julien aka "1RaFaL"FVigneux De BretagneRebel Alliance
16.Erwan aka "Kamrok"FMontoir-De-BretagneRebel Alliance
17.Glenn aka "Mushu"FLa Foret FouesnantGalactic Empire
18.Raïz aka "Siopnos"FNantesScum and Villainy
19.Silvere aka "Slydredd"FSaint Brévin Les PinsRebel Alliance
20.Mathieu aka "Darkmath44"FSaint Pere En RetzGalactic Empire
21.Xavier aka "starkiller-"FPontchateauFirst Order
22.Gab aka "Dundee"FLa RochelleGalactic Republic
23.Benjamin aka "M3RiK0"FSaint Brevin Les PinsRebel Alliance
24.David aka "Kelkh1"FNantesScum and Villainy
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