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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 1. Warmachine/Hordes - Kernölcup 50pts

1.Thomas aka "dommai"AGrazCrucible Guard
2.Gilbert aka "Pawzz"AGrazCryx
3.Martin aka "PiperMacB"AWienConvergence of Cyriss
4.Matthias aka "The_Phoenix"AFeldkirchenThe Skorne
5.Bernhard aka "90Hate"AGrazProtectorate of Menoth
6.Martin aka "Raghnath"AGrazKhador
7.Gerald aka "Quegean"AHartbergLegion of Everblight
8.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
9.Mischa aka "mischachen"AGrazCygnar
10.Christian aka "Spitzain"AGrazThe Circle Orboros
11.Christoph aka "Skavengarf"AGrazThe Circle Orboros
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