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ETR - Tournament Results - HTL - 3. Nordrhein-Westfälische Meisterschaft

1.Tristan aka "Priimetime"DGelsenkirchenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
2.Johannes aka "Mondil"DGüstrowNúmenor
3.Tim aka "TimBombadil"DVellmarDunland
4.Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachauThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
5.Thomas aka "EichertTom"DBoppardFar Harad
6.Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachauMoria
7.Maik aka "MaikDAce"DGochThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
8.Byron aka "Grueno"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
9.Alexander aka "Firelight"DVelbertAzog's Hunters
10.Pascal aka "Vize"DDüsseldorfMonsters of Middle-Earth
11.Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausenThe Army of Lake-town
12.Nick aka "Embravo"DHamburgRivendell
13.Stefan aka "Hugyyy"DLabenzThe Dead of Dunharrow
14.Ludwig aka "Nafe"DDachauThe Tower of Ecthelion
15.Björn aka "TheColdblood"DLudwigshafen am RheiMordor
16.Marc aka "Hobbit91"DWaltropAngmar
17.Malte aka "mahl-tee"DTönisvorstGuardians of the Carrock
18.Tomek aka "Zuboku"DHamburgThe Wanderers in the Wild
19.Roland aka "Durin264"DDürenThe Wizards
20.David aka "EWmephiston"DBochumThe White Council
21.Robert aka "RobKoh"DÜbach-PalenbergMinas Tirith
22.Pascal aka "TraderJoe"DHamburgMordor
23.Wilhelm aka "Sunshine2299"DMindenMoria
24.Andreas aka "Avalon_"DBurscheidThe Grey Company
25.Constantin aka "Tolkien"DHamburgThe Wizards
26.Tobias aka "TobyEatWorld"DBündeThe Legions of the White Hand
27.Tom aka "Reazzn"DPfaffenhofen an derAngmar
28.Dennis aka "Drakaria"DHamburgDurin's Folk
29.Sascha aka "Mueller"HerzogenrathErebor
30.Mathias aka "Punze"DKassel
31.Caspar aka "L3g0l4s"DMettmannThe Legions of the White Hand
32.Maximilian aka "Khmaos"DNeuriedThe Easterlings
33.Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingenThe Wizards
34.Cornelius aka "koenig-Elessar"DMettmannMinas Tirith
35.Maik aka "SchaWallah"DGoch
36.Frederik aka "Frederik"DUttenreuthMordor
37.Christian aka "VanDerBossi"DKölnThe Dwellers Below
38.Kevin aka "Linkev"DBochumRohan
39.Felix aka "Axess"DRemscheidThe Fiefdoms
40.Heinrich aka "Eom3r"DMettmannRohan
41.Nicolas aka "TheSheriff"DOsthofenThe Easterlings
42.Mattes aka "MattiK"DDortmundMordor
43.Alexander aka "AL_PRINCEPS"DOsthofenRivendell
44.Fabian S.DDortmundMoria
45.Jasper K.DDortmundRohan
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