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NTRv3.0 Austria - Warhammer 40K Place 70 - Carlos aka "Adenosintriphosphat" from AVoitsberg

Carlos made following placements at W40K-tournaments in Austria...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
2150 Pts LGV Mixed Edition EventA8501 LiebochT'au Empire2024-10-121434100%+0%31.3824%7.53
1LGV 550 Pkte Combat Patrol Turnier 1/2023 (9. Edi)A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2023-04-01133242.19%+20%16.2022%3.56
2LGV-777Pkte-"Christmas Heat"-Hobbyistenturnier 2022A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2022-12-10102531.64%+0%7.0320%1.41
4LGV 600 Pkte Hobbyistenheat 9. Edi 2022A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2022-06-11143423.73%+0%6.2118%1.12
4LGV 555Pkte "Nine Eleven" 2022A8501 LiebochAdepta Sororitas2022-09-24143423.73%+0%6.2116%0.99
More tournaments:
4LGV 500 Pkte Hobbyistenheat 9. Edi 2022A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2022-04-30163717.8%+0%5.27--
3LGV 666Pkte "Halloween" 2021A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2021-10-23123013.35%+0%3.28--
10LGV 555Pkte "Nine Eleven" 2021A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2021-09-11163713.35%+0%1.98--
12LGV 400 Pkte Hobbyisten-EASTER-Heat 9. Edi 2022A8501 LiebochT'au Empire2022-04-09153517.8%+0%1.33--
7LGV-700Pkte-"Christmas Heat"-HobbyistenturnierA8501 LiebochT'au Empire2021-12-11102513.35%+0%1.11--
* 1223. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* LGV 666Pkte "Halloween" 2021: player-award-armycompBest Army Composition
* LGV-700Pkte-"Christmas Heat"-Hobbyistenturnier: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Liebling der Herzen
* LGV 555Pkte "Nine Eleven" 2022: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Schnellste Liste
* LGV-777Pkte-"Christmas Heat"-Hobbyistenturnier 2022: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* LGV 550 Pkte Combat Patrol Turnier 1/2023 (9. Edi): player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* 150 Pts LGV Mixed Edition Event: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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