20th Conflict TOW Ruleset
*** SUBJECT TO CHANGES *** Last update 22/01/2025
Entree fee
Your registration is only final with the entree fee paid. The fee is 18 euros if paid beforehand, this includes lunch. (After Friday April the 25th we will not refund paid fees as we will have bought drinks and food by then). 20 euro if paid on the day at the box office, this also includes lunch.
Mention your name and TOW Conflict 2025 if paid in advance.
IBAN: BE86 7512 0083 9550
BIC: AXAB BE 22 (AXA Bank Europe)
Beneficiary: Conect’R Team Aarschot VZW
Doors: 08:00
Round 1: 08:30-11:30 Open Battle - Rulebook p288-289
Round 2: 12:30-15:30 Meeting Engagement - Rulebook p294-295
Round 3: 16:00-19:00 Open Battle - Rulebook p288-289
Army building
Build your army by spending up to 2000 points following all the rules from the official TOW Rulebook, Ravening Hordes, Forces of Fantasy, Arcane Journals, Legends and FAQ/Errata excluding any named characters and/or The Green Knight
All players must provide their army list in PDF format printed from the New Recruit or Old World army builder to tow.20thconflict@gmail.com before Monday the 7th of April.
-There is plenty of free parking space at the venue. Please reach out if you need help with travel arrangements
-Please register upon arrival so we can provide you with your approved army list, food voucher and drink coupons
-Each player brings everything he/she/it needs to play their army to the tournament. This includes models, dice, measuring tools, tokens, general rules, army specific rules and FAQ/errata (digital is OK but please have them downloaded), extra terrain, movement trays, displays or carriers etc.
-A food voucher is included in the entry fee. Please don’t bring your own food or drinks
The winner is the player with the most Tournament Points
-Three Pitched Battles worth 10 TP each. Round 1 pairing is random followed by Swiss pairing.
At the end of each round determine the VP according to Rulebook p286 and then apply:
VP difference: TP Winner - TP Loser
0 - 100: 5 - 5
101 - 400: 6 - 4
401 – 800: 7 - 3
801 - 1200: 8 - 2
1201 - 1600: 9 - 1
> 1600: 10 - 0
-Painting: The judges will award each player up to 5 TP for army painting, basing, coherency, etc
-Fair Play: Each player is given 5 TP. Let’s make this a fun day of wargaming for everyone!!