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NTRv3.0 Germany - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Place 77 - Dirk aka "KingDDS" from DLeonberg

Dirk made following placements at LotR-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
4Hohenloher MeisterschaftD74629 PfedelbachAngmar2024-11-162752100%+0%46.0024%11.04
276. Berliner MeisterschaftD10245 BerlinMoria2024-11-245871100%+0%38.6122%8.50
182. Niederrhein-MeisterschaftD41334 NettetalRivendell2025-01-264061100%+0%34.4120%6.88
226. Baden-Württemberg-MeisterschaftD77694 Kehl/NeumühlThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains2024-04-28647456.25%+0%27.7518%5.00
125. HallunkenfestD06110 Halle (Saale)The Legions of the White Hand2024-01-28375956.25%+0%23.0516%3.69
More tournaments:
91. Deutsche Team Championship im Mittelerde-Tabletop - TeamD68542 HeddesheimMordor2024-06-02567075%+0%20.52--
6Schlacht um die Südlande 3D74080 HeilbronnMordor2024-03-09204356.25%+0%17.82--
98HTL-Deutsche Meisterschaft 2024D04435 SchkeuditzMordor2024-09-291338575%+0%16.90--
231. Niederrhein-MeisterschaftD41334 NettetalThe Legions of the White Hand2024-01-14386056.25%+0%13.68--
8Schlacht um die Südlande 1D74080 HeilbronnMinas Tirith2023-07-22224542.19%+0%12.66--
11Khazads Kurze kippen Kümmel 2023 - TeamD18055 RostockThe Legions of the White Hand2023-07-30406142.19%+0%12.21--
5Schlacht am WestwallD52066 AachenThe Legions of the White Hand2023-06-03224531.64%+0%11.53--
71HTL - 7. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop MeisterschaftD85221 DachauLothlórien2024-03-17908356.25%+0%9.97--
355. Baden-Württemberg-MeisterschaftD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMinas Tirith2023-05-21607231.64%+0%9.65--
352. Fränkische Meisterschaft auf der PlassenburgD95326 KulmbachIsengard2023-11-19486642.19%+0%7.70--
2Mittelerde - Deutsches 2vs2-Teamturnier - TeamD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMinas Tirith2022-12-03163723.73%+0%7.32--
131. Ringkrieg im Outer RimD78532 TuttlingenThe Legions of the White Hand2023-10-22204342.19%+0%6.68--
915. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMoria2024-08-17123075%+0%6.14--
59. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMinas Tirith2023-04-29123031.64%+0%6.04--
54Ostdeutsche Meisterschaft 2024D06844 Dessau-RoßlauThe Legions of the White Hand2024-02-25637356.25%+0%5.96--
510. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlIsengard2023-08-26102542.19%+0%5.86--
617. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlThe Rangers of Ithilien2025-01-12820100%+0%5.71--
75HTL - 6. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop Meisterschaft 2023D85221 DachauMinas Tirith2023-04-02948431.64%+0%5.43--
17HTL - 3. SWMF LagermeisterschaftD74629 PfedelbachMoria2022-07-30204317.8%+0%1.21--
52HTL - 4. Baden-Württemberg-Meisterschaft 2022D77694 Kehl/NeumühlThe Fiefdoms2022-05-15577117.8%+0%1.13--
13Die 4. Schlacht um das Wupper-Tal. Kleine Helden, ganz groß!D42275 WuppertalThe Serpent Horde2022-08-20143417.8%+0%0.47--
9HTL - 4. Kehler WürfeltageD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMordor2020-09-2012305.63%+0%0.46--
4HTL - Schwarzwaldläufer Teamturnier II - TeamD77694 Kehl/NeumühlThe Fiefdoms2022-07-0382017.8%+0%0.25--
12HTL - 6. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlIsengard2022-02-20123013.35%+0%0.00--
8HTL - 5. Kehler WürfeltagD77694 Kehl/NeumühlMinas Tirith2021-07-1782010.01%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 60. Place in the LotR-ranking of AAustria
* 62. Place in the LotR-ranking of CHSwitzerland
* 78. Place in the LotR-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Die 4. Schlacht um das Wupper-Tal. Kleine Helden, ganz groß!: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Khazads Kurze kippen Kümmel 2023: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Längste Anreise
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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