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NTRv3.0 France - Hell Dorado Place 9 - Gauthier aka "bourrin" from FQuestembert

Gauthier made following placements at HD-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
1Tournoi Inferno HD à LanderneauF29800 LanderneauImmortals2013-11-029230.08%+20%0.0224%0.00
1tournoi Helldorado à VannesF56000 VannesDemons2013-07-277160.06%+20%0.0122%0.00
1Helldorado @ JFJ 2013F78500 SartrouvilleDemons2013-04-066110.04%+20%0.0120%0.00
2Tournoi Hell Dorado à Theix (56)F56450 TheixDemons2010-05-30400.01%+0%0.0018%0.00
Additional NTR-placements:
* 1. Place in the GB-ranking of FFrance
* 32. Place in the BSO-ranking of FFrance
* 51. Place in the SWSP-ranking of FFrance
* 109. Place in the WM-ranking of FFrance
* 119. Place in the EDEN-ranking of FFrance
* 153. Place in the ASoIF-ranking of FFrance
* 164. Place in the Brisk-ranking of FFrance
* 203. Place in the Alk-ranking of FFrance
* 219. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
* 435. Place in the SWL-ranking of FFrance
* 2022. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 4. Place in the GB-ranking of Europe
* 9. Place in the HD-ranking of Europe
* 64. Place in the BSO-ranking of Europe
* 83. Place in the SWSP-ranking of Europe
* 132. Place in the EDEN-ranking of Europe
* 171. Place in the Brisk-ranking of Europe
* 203. Place in the Alk-ranking of Europe
* 274. Place in the ASoIF-ranking of Europe
* 394. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
* 445. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 896. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 4891. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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