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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Tournoi des Hérauts

1.Maxime aka "madmax34"FMontpellierScum and Villainy
2.Sylvain aka "Sylvak"FPerpignanRebel Alliance
4.Jérémie aka "PeterMacAloe"FBoyneRebel Alliance
5.Maxime aka "Erelone"FMontpellierScum and Villainy
6.Florian aka "Flou"FPerpignanRebel Alliance
8.Vincent A.FMontarnaudGalactic Empire
9.Guillaume aka "Guitou_"FMontarnaudGalactic Empire
10.Romain aka "grozrikgaraz"FPerpignanRebel Alliance
11.Arnaud aka "Armada"FSt-Hilaire-De-BrethmasRebel Alliance
12.Kevin aka "Attila-"FSt julien les rosiersGalactic Empire
13.Hugo aka "boombo"FMauguioRebel Alliance
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