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ETR - Tournament Results - Das letzte Bündnis 2v2 Teamturnier

1.Tabletop Nord e.V. - E + E
Ernesto aka "ayu"DHamburgMinas Tirith
Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
2.Hannover Würfelzwerge
David aka "Heyoka"DHannoverGuardians of the Carrock
Andreas aka "Argontitan"DLindwedelThe Wizards
Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburgArnor
Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburgThe Dwellers Below
4.Tabletop Nord & Löwenrudel Hessen
Tim aka "TimBombadil"DVellmarGoblin Town
Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburgThe Army of the High King
5.Teutoburger Ents
Luca aka "Ligma"DEmdenAngmar
Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeldThranduil's Hall
6.Bigos Süßsauer
Mirko aka "Jiichu"DRitterhudeMinas Tirith
Tomek aka "Zuboku"DHamburgThe Dead of Dunharrow
7.Tabletop Nord – Bollo Boom ????
Nono aka "Nohirrim"DHamburgThe Easterlings
Alex aka "Bollo"DHamburgThe Wizards
8.Hamburger Kneipenterroristen
Constantin aka "Tolkien"DHamburgDesolator of the North
Steven aka "Cyphedias"DHamburgBarad-dûr
9.Es steht wieder Fleisch auf dem Speiseplan!!!
Lasse aka "Lasse_97_123"DHamburgIsengard
Michael aka "Finox"DSchenefeldIsengard
10.G.I.M.P. e.v.
Dennis aka "Zerc"DBerlinDesolator of the North
Lukas aka "Tiuz"DBerlinThe Easterlings
11.Südviertel-Mafia #1
Torben aka "Foxton"DHalstenbekRohan
Till aka "Tharnivas"DHamburgMinas Tirith
12.Südviertel-Mafia #2
Lars aka "Looland"DHamburgAzog's Hunters
Ove aka "MapleSyrup"DHamburgDol Guldur
Robin S.DFrankfurt A.m.Elrond's Household
Frederic aka "Zikloph"DFrankfurt a.M.The Army of the High King
15.Muskulöser Grieche statt Beschäftigter Inder
Tom aka "pippin26"DGreifswaldThe Tower of Ecthelion
Idmon aka "LordWahlter77"DTriepkendorfDark Denizens of Mirkwood
16.Aggrogatzustand over 9000
Sebastian aka "p3pper"DBerlinThe Wizards
Marcel aka "m3tus"DHamburgThe Dwellers Below
17.Berliner Schmetteratzen
Jo aka "Jorius"DBerlinThe Dwellers Below
Flo aka "Flobradil"DBerlinMoria
18.Da Kuschlaz
André aka "milky"DStralsundThéoden's Host
Maik aka "Pommespanzer0815"DProhnMinas Tirith
19.Die Hamburg/Kiel- Allianz
Simon aka "Schimonius"DHamburgMinas Tirith
Bruno aka "AEREBUS"DGroß-WittenseeSharkey's Rogues
20.Das Bündnis der zwei Türme
Jakob aka "JTech"DHamburgThe Easterlings
Faris A.DSchwerinIsengard
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