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ETR - Club Details

Start of the data acquisition:
Last update: 2025-03-19 05:30
There is more info here.

Name:Tabletop Bremerhaven
Origin:D27572 Bremerhaven
Description: Moin,

wir spielen diverse Tabletops, Karten- und Brettspiele und treffen uns immer Montags ab 18:30 im HdJ Bremerhaven um zu spielen, quatschen oder auch malen.

Bei Fragen schreibt uns an oder besucht unser Forum!
Website: http://www.tabletop-bremerhaven.de
To the T³-club page...

Gamesystem:Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Counting Members:2
Placement:291. in the club ranking
Average points:0.00
Total points:0.01

Placements of members
LupusPlace 5630 - 0.00 Points

Other clubplacements
599. Place in the W40K-club ranking of Europe
135. Place in the WM-club ranking of Europe
1. Place in the DA-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the FF-club ranking of Europe
3. Place in the DWars-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the SWA-club ranking of Europe
8. Place in the CLAK-club ranking of Europe
121. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of DGermany
314. Place in the W40K-club ranking of DGermany
70. Place in the WM-club ranking of DGermany
1. Place in the DA-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the FF-club ranking of DGermany
3. Place in the DWars-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the SWA-club ranking of DGermany
7. Place in the CLAK-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of AAustria

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