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ETR - Club Details

Start of the data acquisition:
Last update: 2025-03-19 05:30
There is more info here.

Name:WBC - Wardrinking & Beergaming Crew
Origin:D46149 Oberhausen
Description: Ein Haufen guter, durstiger und tabletopbegeisterter Ruhrpottler Kollegen, die gerne auf Turnieren in ganz Deutschland ihr Talent in beiden Fachbereichen unter Beweis stellen. Wir sind die mit den schwarzen T-Shirts ;)
Mitgliedschaft leider nur auf persönliche Einladung hin möglich...
Website: http://www.head-first.de/Forum
To the T³-club page...

Gamesystem:Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Counting Members:17
Placement:171. in the club ranking
Average points:0.01
Total points:0.21

Placements of members
Ultima_ForcePlace 271 - 0.06 Points
Killer_PowerPlace 553 - 0.04 Points
MistelLuPlace 626 - 0.03 Points
PuppenprollPlace 774 - 0.03 Points
VemperorPlace 1059 - 0.02 Points
ResistoPlace 1752 - 0.01 Points
PeeJayPlace 1931 - 0.01 Points
Het_ZippelmoesPlace 2597 - 0.00 Points
KhargadeshPlace 3280 - 0.00 Points
ErondilPlace 3548 - 0.00 Points
KouranPlace 3641 - 0.00 Points
SkarpiPlace 3701 - 0.00 Points
Deine_MuddaPlace 3936 - 0.00 Points
DiscostuPlace 3983 - 0.00 Points
CenobytePlace 5192 - 0.00 Points
HerzdamePlace 5584 - 0.00 Points
MalkavPlace 5596 - 0.00 Points
VimesPlace 7778 - 0.00 Points

Other clubplacements
164. Place in the WM-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the BB-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the CBT-club ranking of Europe
1. Place in the B5-club ranking of Europe
61. Place in the KoW-club ranking of Europe
252. Place in the XWING-club ranking of Europe
99. Place in the T9A-club ranking of Europe
66. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of DGermany
88. Place in the WM-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the BB-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the CBT-club ranking of DGermany
1. Place in the B5-club ranking of DGermany
16. Place in the KoW-club ranking of DGermany
162. Place in the XWING-club ranking of DGermany
34. Place in the T9A-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the T9A-club ranking of FFrance

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