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NTRv3.0 Austria - Warhammer 40K Place 51 - Philipp aka "SolidEk" from AKlagenfurt am Wörthersee

Philipp made following placements at W40K-tournaments in Austria...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
5Gilead Double ClashA9020 KlagenfurtChaos Daemons2024-02-04244856.25%+0%22.3024%5.35
2Wuschelhasen 7: Ten times the Wuschel, ten times the fun!A9020 KlagenfurtOrks2023-08-20204342.19%+0%17.1922%3.78
11Wuschelhasen 12: The Lord of the WuschelA9020 Klagenfurt am WörtherseeDeath Guard2024-07-28204375%+0%15.2820%3.06
5Wuschelhasen 13: The Good, the Bad and the Wuschel!A9020 Klagenfurt am WörtherseeOrks2024-09-01123075%+0%14.3218%2.58
11Kärntner Meisterschaften (KTMS) 2024A9020 KlagenfurtOrks2024-10-13163775%+0%9.2516%1.48
More tournaments:
11Wuschelhasen 8: Welcome to Wuscheltown, next stop: WarhammerA9020 Klagenfurt am WörtherseeOrks2023-11-26204342.19%+0%8.59--
5Gileads Double Clash - TeamA9020 KlagenfurtOrks2023-01-29244823.73%+0%7.18--
11Wuschelhasen 5: The Wuscheling - It's happening again!A9020 KlagenfurtOrks2023-03-12184031.64%+0%5.21--
7Gileads Summer WarA9020 KlagenfurtOrks2022-08-28184017.8%+0%4.61--
17Wuschelhasen 10: Wuschel me baby one more time!A9020 KlagenfurtChaos Daemons2024-03-10204356.25%+0%3.82--
8Gilead´s Summer Opening ClashA9020 KlagenfurtOrks2022-06-19143417.8%+0%2.79--
13Gileads Re-Opening Celebration TournamentA9020 KlagenfurtOrks2022-04-10224513.35%+0%2.57--
12GILEAD Offensiven-Doppelturnier - TeamA9020 KlagenfurtGenestealer Cults2019-05-2624481.78%+0%0.02--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 16. Place in the SWL-ranking of AAustria
* 376. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 1099. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Wuschelhasen 5: The Wuscheling - It's happening again!: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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