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NTRv3.0 Germany - Warhammer 40K Place 277 - Benjamin aka "Nara" from DHamburg

Benjamin made following placements at W40K-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
23GERMAN MAJOR - HAMBURGD22457 HamburgTyranids2024-02-041238556.25%+0%39.1924%9.41
162GERMAN SUPER MAJOR - WCW Qualifier EventD38120 BraunschweigTyranids2024-06-093968575%+0%37.7722%8.31
42Baltic Cup XII - GW-WM Qualifier Golden TicketD24161 Kiel - AltenholzTyranids2024-07-21968475%+0%35.8120%7.16
62HAMBURG MAJOR 2025 - 40KD22457 HamburgSpace Marines2025-01-1910085100%+0%32.6318%5.87
17Weekend Wars IVD24161 AltenholzBlood Angels2024-05-25406175%+0%26.9816%4.32
More tournaments:
24ELBCOAST CUP 13 - GTD22111 HamburgBlood Angels2024-10-203961100%+0%24.08--
141. Almost Decent TournamentD24558 Henstedt-UlzburgSpace Marines2024-05-04406156.25%+0%22.88--
17ELBCOAST CUP 10 - GTD22111 HamburgSpace Marines2024-04-21446456.25%+0%22.60--
4Weekend Wars V - Team Tournament - TeamD24161 AltenholzBlood Angels2024-08-31355875%+0%21.75--
21ELBCOAST CUP 12D22111 HamburgBlood Angels2024-08-17365875%+0%18.64--
63ELBCOAST MAJOR / BALTIC CUP XI - GW WM qualifierD22457 HamburgTyranids2023-05-071578531.64%+0%16.21--
2Raumpatrouille XXIID22147 HamburgSpace Marines2023-10-01184042.19%+0%15.88--
11Weekend Wars Kiel IID24161 AltenholzSpace Marines2023-03-11355831.64%+0%12.95--
14ELBCOAST CUP VI - GTD22111 HamburgTyranids2023-08-27315442.19%+0%12.91--
17Imperium Tertius 40K (RTT)D26842 OstrhauderfehnSpace Marines2024-01-27285256.25%+0%11.92--
22ELBCOAST CUP 9D22111 HamburgSpace Marines2024-02-24345756.25%+0%11.66--
16Imperium Tertius 40K (GT)D26842 OstrhauderfehnTyranids2024-03-24265056.25%+0%11.25--
12ELBCOAST CUP VD22111 HamburgTyranids2023-06-10315431.64%+0%10.82--
3Raumpatrouille XXID22147 HamburgTyranids2022-10-02224523.73%+0%9.66--
2Spontanes Fürstliches PowergamenD22045 HamburgSpace Marines2023-09-23102542.19%+0%9.38--
23BreakingHeads Cup #3 - BerlinD15370 Petershagen/EggersdorfTyranids2022-10-23506723.73%+0%8.76--
1130. WH40K Masters of the UniverseD32051 HerfordTyranids2023-08-20204342.19%+0%8.59--
33Weekend Wars IIID24161 AltenholzSpace Marines2024-03-16426356.25%+0%7.78--
9BRING IT DOWN - 2k - EintagesturnierD22111 HamburgTyranids2022-09-17345717.8%+0%7.69--
26ELBCOAST CUP VIID22111 HamburgTyranids2023-10-14365842.19%+0%6.99--
37. WH40K Masters of the UniverseD32051 HerfordTyranids2022-06-18184017.8%+0%6.28--
3Ersatztermin 11. WH40K Masters of the UniverseD32051 HerfordTyranids2022-09-03184017.8%+0%6.28--
212. OTV 40k-Singleaction (40Kings Cup)D26721 EmdenTyranids2023-04-22325531.64%+0%6.18--
716. WH40K Masters of the UniverseD32051 HerfordTyranids2022-10-16184023.73%+0%6.14--
23ELBCOAST CUP IIID22111 HamburgTyranids2023-02-11386023.73%+0%5.77--
26ELBCOAST CUP 11D22111 HamburgSpace Marines2024-06-29305375%+0%5.48--
29Baltic Cup IX - PreparationD22457 HamburgTyranids2022-07-24526817.8%+0%5.46--
610. WH40K Masters of the UniverseD32051 HerfordTyranids2022-07-10163717.8%+0%4.39--
53. Schlachtfeld ZwergenfürstD22041 HamburgTyranids2023-07-2282042.19%+0%3.62--
8Die zweite Zauberstein Ladenmeisterschaft - 2000 PunkteD25335 ElmshornSpace Marines2023-11-19102542.19%+0%2.34--
2965. Bedburger Scheunenkloppen - 2000 Punkte 2 Tages GTD50126 Bergheim GleschTyranids2022-08-07345717.8%+0%1.54--
Following tournaments will be part of the next computation:
-2. Almost Decent Tag Team TournamentD24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg2025-03-08--------
* 317. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* 10. WH40K Masters of the Universe: player-award-fairplayFairest Player
* 16. WH40K Masters of the Universe: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bugjamin
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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