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NTRv3.0 France - Warmachine Place 321 - Samuel aka "samy44" from FNantes

Samuel made following placements at WM-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
10Gradignan Infernal Machine 2 !!F33170 GradignanProtectorate of Menoth2015-12-0520430.32%+0%0.0724%0.02
2la Rochelle Summer Rampage in the ShadeF17000 La RochelleProtectorate of Menoth2015-07-1910250.24%+0%0.0522%0.01
21WHAT ?F49000 AngersProtectorate of Menoth2016-01-2430530.32%+0%0.0520%0.01
24Iron WestF29470 Plougastel-DaoulasProtectorate of Menoth2016-02-1432550.32%+0%0.0518%0.01
23T.A.L.C. StonehengeF63460 JozerandProtectorate of Menoth2015-11-0132550.24%+0%0.0416%0.01
More tournaments:
12Epic Mogette 2F85000 La Roche Sur YonProtectorate of Menoth2015-08-0915350.24%+0%0.02--
12la Rochelle List lockF17000 La RochelleProtectorate of Menoth2015-03-2213340.18%+0%0.01--
* 943. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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