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NTRv3.0 France - Flames of War Place 8 - Romain-Pierre aka "Tresh" from FParis

Romain-Pierre made following placements at FoW-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
1Premier Tournoi FOW V4F80100 AbbevilleStrelkovy Batalon2021-09-12102517.8%+20%5.3424%1.28
3villeneuve lez avignon 2017F30400 Villeneuve Lez AvignonSchwere Panzerkompanie2017-06-1112300.75%+0%0.1822%0.04
5Trophée LeclercF94270 Le Kremlin-BicêtreSoviet Others2018-06-037161.78%+0%0.1020%0.02
5cannes 2017F06400 CannesTankovy Batalon2017-02-268230.75%+0%0.0718%0.01
2villeneuve les avignonF30400 Villeneuve Lez AvignonVietnamese Local Forces2015-05-0310250.18%+0%0.0416%0.01
More tournaments:
4flames of war cannes 2016F06400 CannesUS Rifle Company2016-02-288200.32%+0%0.04--
3cavaillonF84000 CavaillonEscadron de Reconnaissance2014-12-1410250.13%+0%0.03--
9Saumur 2014F49400 Saumur2014-06-2916370.1%+0%0.02--
10paris 2017F75019 ParisVietnamese Ironclad Battalion2017-01-2211280.56%+0%0.02--
6Jour de Destruction IV Flames Of WarF95000 CergyBritish Others2014-09-1410250.13%+0%0.01--
9MGWA Jour de Destruction III FoW CergyF95000 CergyMotostrelkovy Batalon2011-10-0217390.01%+0%0.00--
22MGWA Jour de Destruction 2F95000 CergyPanzergrenadierkompanie2010-10-2426500.01%+0%0.00--
8cannes 2019F06400 CannesArmoured Car/Recce Squadron2019-02-248203.17%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 17. Place in the UW-ranking of FFrance
* 20. Place in the TY-ranking of FFrance
* 47. Place in the FoW-ranking of CHSwitzerland
* 86. Place in the FoW-ranking of PLPoland
* 196. Place in the FoW-ranking of DGermany
* 394. Place in the WM-ranking of FFrance
* 1111. Place in the XWING-ranking of FFrance
* 1266. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 1722. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
* 5393. Place in the W40K-ranking of FFrance
* 20. Place in the TY-ranking of Europe
* 22. Place in the UW-ranking of Europe
* 155. Place in the FoW-ranking of Europe
* 1108. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
* 2973. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 3090. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 3253. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 12177. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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