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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 3133 - René aka "maul_wurf" from Fmerville

René made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
7War In Leguevin 4 - TeamF31490 LeguevinSpace Wolves2023-06-18365856.25%+0%20.9724%5.03
19Les rixes joyeuses 2017F03000 MoulinsT'au Empire2017-10-0140611%+0%0.3322%0.07
1Arvernis Domino - TeamF63360 GerzatSpace Wolves2016-10-1636580.56%+3%0.3120%0.06
7Kraken 4ed - TeamF34200 SèteSpace Wolves2016-09-1160720.56%+0%0.1418%0.03
5Qualifications ETC 2016 : 2ème Division SUD - TeamF34200 SèteSpace Wolves2016-01-2464740.32%+0%0.1016%0.02
More tournaments:
6Qualification ETC 2018: 2ème Division Nord - TeamF91080 CourcouronnesKhorne Daemonkin2018-01-2148661.34%+0%0.07--
3Manolo GT jubilee - TeamF13109 Simiane-CollongueSpace Wolves2015-06-0736580.18%+0%0.06--
5Ligue 40K des Forges de Lumière 2016 - 8F31320 Castanet TolosanSpace Wolves2016-06-0410250.42%+0%0.06--
8Tournoi de Convention Grabuge - TeamF11000 CarcassonneSpace Wolves2015-04-1928520.18%+0%0.04--
5Tournoi du Kraken 2ème Edition - TeamF34000 SeteTau Farsight Enclave2014-09-2148660.13%+0%0.04--
17Grabuge 30ans - TeamF11000 CarcassonneSpace Wolves2014-04-2052680.1%+0%0.02--
5D2 - Sud - TeamF34200 SètesSpace Marines2014-02-1664740.08%+0%0.02--
19La Revolte du KrakenF34200 SèteSpace Wolves2013-09-2247660.06%+0%0.02--
5Ligue des Forges 1F31320 Castanet TolosanSpace Wolves2012-09-2224480.03%+0%0.01--
5CERBERUS VII - TeamF15000 AurillacDrukhari2012-05-2730530.02%+0%0.01--
3Ligue des Forges 2F31320 Castanet TolosanChaos Space Marines2012-11-0312300.03%+0%0.01--
11Ligue des Forges 4F31320 Castanet TolosanSpace Wolves2013-01-0517390.04%+0%0.01--
31L'Anti-Seiche des Poulpes 2ed - TeamF34200 SèteBlood Angels2013-03-1770760.04%+0%0.00--
28Les Chevaliers du WarpF31450 Labastide-BeauvoirSpace Wolves2011-10-0246650.01%+0%0.00--
6Thanatos - TeamF31450 Labastide BeauvoirChaos Space Marines2009-12-1354690%+0%0.00--
11[32]5éme Tournoi 40K de L'Isle-JourdainF32600 L'isle-JourdainChaos Space Marines2009-07-1946650%+0%0.00--
35[32] Tournoi 40k de l'Isle Jourdain 2010F32600 L'isle JourdainSpace Wolves2010-07-1846650.01%+0%0.00--
25Tournoi 40K de l'Isle-JourdainF32600 L'isle-JourdainSpace Wolves2013-08-1826500.06%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 316. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 819. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 3007. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
* 7061. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Qualifications ETC 2016 : 2ème Division SUD: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Fan d Ary Abbittan
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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