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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 4. Moschpit Elbflorenz - Age of Sigmar Turnier

1.Marco aka "Gulliver"DRadebergNighthaunt
2.Florian aka "flokli"DDresdenIdoneth Deepkin
3.Marc aka "Sigmarc77"DBerlinHedonites of Slaanesh
4.Michael aka "banockburn"DDresdenStormcast Eternals
5.Lukas aka "Padawaan"DDresdenFlesh-eater Courts
6.Erik aka "Bruella"DDresdenKharadron Overlords
7.Francine aka "Ahyoka"DDresdenGloomspite Gitz
8.Felix aka "NPC"DDresdenGrand Alliance Chaos
9.Steffen aka "Husky"DLeipzigDaughters of Khaine
10.Henry aka "Kavu"DDresdenKharadron Overlords
11.Jan aka "Janathor"DLeipzigStormcast Eternals
12.Tobias aka "Molchonaut"DLeipzigGrand Alliance Destruction
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