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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 26. Völkerschlacht

1.Immo aka "TheBlackSEED"DDresdenCryx
2.Holger aka "holgonaut"DBerlinThe Skorne
3.Kevin aka "Nox"DBerlinCygnar
4.Sven aka "Skathrex"DBerlinCrucible Guard
5.Radovan aka "Radkovan"DFrankenberg/SachsenKhador
6.David aka "Nokobuku"DLeipzigKhador
7.Boris aka "Agurus"DDresdenKhador
8.Philip aka "ankmarphi"DWeinböhlaProtectorate of Menoth
9.Marcel aka "Zelle"DBerlinTrollblood
11.Sebastian aka "Plastefuchs"DDresdenProtectorate of Menoth
11.Jens aka "Kolash"DHalleLegion of Everblight
12.Stefan aka "WolliW"DBerlinMinions
13.(anonym)Retribution of Scyrah
13.Marcel aka "wazzi"DBerlinRetribution of Scyrah
13.Johannes aka "Dr_Action"DDresdenCygnar
13.Walther aka "ZeroKey"DChemnitzTrollblood
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