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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Steel & Magic 2016 - Summer Edition

1.Dragelan Adventure Society Extraordinaire (DASE)
Rickard aka "Arlaharen"SStockholmMinions
Hugo aka "Charmant"SStockholmMercenaries
Christoffer W.SMölndalTrollblood
Gustav aka "Jesyce"SStockholmProtectorate of Menoth
Gustav aka "Evilminion"SJohanneshovLegion of Everblight
2.team France 2
Julien aka "Gamin"FQuerqueville CherbourgThe Circle Orboros
Antoine aka "gitsnik"FAngoulemeThe Circle Orboros
Victor aka "Tec"FBoulogne-BillancourtTrollblood
Mathieu aka "Mouskapet"FToulonCryx
Pierre Arnauld aka "connetable_pa"FParisKhador
3.Codename KUHA
Mika aka "SworDIE"FINNousiainenTrollblood
Hermanni aka "Alea_Rasa"FINRaisioLegion of Everblight
Henri-Pekka aka "Nyeusi"FINHelsinkiCygnar
Teemu aka "TheEmu"FINTurkuKhador
Mikko aka "Emppu"FINTurkuRetribution of Scyrah
4.Team France Obélix
Amadeus aka "Kalachnikov"FCogninCryx
Alexandre aka "Cheveu"FLyonCryx
Adrien aka "Lucifel888"FToulonTrollblood
Kévin aka "Kevina"FAubagneLegion of Everblight
Baptiste aka "Feyall"FMarseilleProtectorate of Menoth
5.The Good,The Bad,The Ugly,The Sexy & De Pintjes
Wout aka "Wout"BKapellenCryx
Dirk aka "Dirk"BMerksemThe Circle Orboros
Tommy aka "Tommeh"BHouthalenThe Circle Orboros
Christophe aka "WYSiWYG"BLeopoldsburgKhador
Klaas aka "Klaw"BleopoldsburgConvergence of Cyriss
6.Team Italy
Vincenzo aka "Gheyran"IMilanoCygnar
Emiliano aka "BernieLomax"IParisLegion of Everblight
Andrea aka "Jager"ISesto San GiovanniLegion of Everblight
Marco aka "VecchioPappone"ITrevioloProtectorate of Menoth
Francesco aka "ErCicciotto"IRomaCryx
7.Fresh Meat
Sankha aka "Ahknas"NLRotterdamCygnar
Jori aka "Jori"NLRotterdamLegion of Everblight
Dave D.NLRotterdamTrollblood
Casper aka "raven_guard"NLDrachtenThe Circle Orboros
Sietse aka "Siesom"NLDen HaagCryx
8.Ginyu Force
Emmanuel aka "Manu69"FVilleurbanneLegion of Everblight
Mickael aka "Mamibaba"FLes Rues Des VignesLegion of Everblight
Quentin aka "Qu1nthus"FLilleThe Skorne
Sylvain aka "Lelith"FVilleneuve d'ascqProtectorate of Menoth
Stephane aka "cryxfactory"Fbeaumont du gatinaisRetribution of Scyrah
9.Team France 3
Lionel aka "ConarLeBarban"FDijonCryx
Kilian aka "Rawr"FLantenne-VertièreKhador
Nicolas aka "taraspoutine"FAuteriveThe Circle Orboros
Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FChallansCygnar
Julien aka "Sigmar01"FParisProtectorate of Menoth
10.Fbj Soleil Rouge
Vincent aka "Pim"FMassyCryx
Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FCommequiersCryx
Maxime aka "Cesarius"FVélizyThe Circle Orboros
Jean-Loup aka "Largoo"FMeudonTrollblood
Jean-Brice aka "Blackbiji"FParisKhador
11.London's Cross Gaming Club
Edwin aka "EdwinSmith"UKLondonCygnar
Alyx aka "alyxfromspace"UKLondonMercenaries
Dave aka "DaveThePyro"UKLeatherheadLegion of Everblight
Norbert aka "dr_norbert"UKLondonKhador
Chris aka "Hoogie"UKLondonRetribution of Scyrah
12.The Forgiven Team
Jerome aka "Iria"FAntonyMercenaries
Régis aka "Rage2"FSevranRetribution of Scyrah
Tom aka "Ygemethor"FToulouseThe Circle Orboros
Timothée aka "T-i-m"FAngoulemeKhador
Paul aka "Pauldo"FParisKhador
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